Example sentences of "'re [verb] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We 've mounted a whole series of experiments related to finding out what happens to pyre goods in the fire when they 're placed with the body .
2 We 've mounted a whole series of experiments related to finding out what happens to pyre goods in the fire when they 're placed with the body .
3 Now the fact that it might be just a little two up , two down who gives a monkey 's because in , next year , two or three years ' time , you 're walking with the removal van into this house , how will you feel ?
4 When you do your first beat , you 're walking with the sergeant and suddenly a voice will call out , ‘ Where are you going , son ? ’ and you 're about ten yards ahead .
5 ‘ Does she know you 're connected with the college ? ’
6 Unless you 're connected with the show , could you go home , please . ’
7 I know that we 're meeting with the company next week , but whether or not anything 's come forward on that and also erm in reference to the pensions section , erm , just correct your deliberate mistake and part timers ca n't enter the Securicor Pension Scheme .
8 No we 're going with the child minders tomorrow .
9 We 're going with the sonnet .
10 You know when we using the telephone method of communication what d' ya think why d' ya think we we we 're employed with the company .
11 He 's visiting local businesses like this one which makes garden equipment to hear how they 're coping with the drop in orders .
12 I think it 's , our feelings are quite strong about this , in this contest that we 're having with the Town Hall , that er , having exposed the five percent in the first place , we have had particular innovation about five B , being articulated as well .
13 I think if you 've got somebody who 's got a er a solicitor or an accountant then you need to establish why he wants to talk to them and also er if he , if he 's adamant that he wants to do that , find out who he is and ask if you can speak to him as well , or you can explain erm you know what the , what , what you 're doing with the client .
14 They are , they 're starting with the end result , and of course in this particular book , they 're , what they 're starting with really , was n't a general psychological biography of Wilson , so much has , the problem , why did Wilson give everything away in the conference ?
15 You 're masturbat-ing with the thing .
16 Now we 're dealing with the year about eighteen ninety-six onwards , and the filmmakers of this time erm would make this large number of short films , make several in a day if they had the , if the , they had the opportunity and the subjects , and then they would print catalogues of these pictures and market them .
17 We 're dealing with the day to day running of the theatre ; shows coming in , maintenance , but also looking forward to the next productions .
18 Erm I , I er much of the compliment that you paid t to me and the department in terms of the efficiency that we 've , which we 're dealing with the correspondence , I , I am conscious of the fact that in something of this nature those er members that you mentioned , some of them are , are here this morning erm are , are not er s receiving er a regular erm series of er erm letters or , or pieces of information from the department and it 's very much an ad hoc situation erm and at the moment as far as is concerned , we are waiting for the the completion of some of the reporting before we erm er submerge them with er a , a , a , a lot of paper , but if there are any particular issues that erm any of those members or indeed any other members erm particularly wants to pursue , er th th the position is as it is on , on any matter , please do get in touch .
19 In the early stages of the sewage works when they 're dealing with the liquid they use aerobic bacteria .
20 I 've contacted the Lloyds Enquiry Unit and they 're dealing with the matter .
21 So we 're dealing with the shade of a real , evangelistic geezer .
22 We 're negotiating with the polytechnic to give them permission to build a hostel on the John Boscoe playing field .
23 And since , as Mr Lawrence says , there could hardly be anything personal in the attack , we 're left with the probability that anyone who had happened along at that moment would have been dealt with in the same way .
24 If , on the other hand , having read this you 're left with the feeling ‘ so what ’ then let me leave you with the words of two teenagers who frequent similar established alcohol — free projects in England
25 A few minutes later , the Base Notes come through , and you 're left with the final , true fragrance created by the Master perfumer , Guy Robert , creator of scents for Dior and Hermès .
26 So whether you 're dining with the family , lunching with colleagues or relaxing with friends in the bar , your local Beefeater is the ideal choice .
27 So , if we 're leaving with the exception of continuous surveys in there , where do we say er , .
28 Imagine you 're faced with the choice of making a payment in cash lump sum or in a series of equal instalments .
29 cos they do n't wan na be , cos it seems bad but when , when they 're in the , when they 're in the ballot box , when , when they 're in the voting booths and then they 're faced with the question then , do they want
30 Now , though , they 're faced with the task of finding the legal owners .
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