Example sentences of "down through the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly the pilot had not wasted time calculating an entry angle , but had bored down through the upper atmosphere as directly as he was able .
2 Krakatoa is merely the first of a whole chain of active volcanoes which arc down through the Indonesian islands and round the Pacific to form what geologists call the Ring of Fire .
3 He found her where she clung to a rope that was curled up in a corner of the iron ship and picked her up and carried her through a secret tunnel down through the floor of the ship , down through the underwater creatures , deep into the earth beneath the swirling sea .
4 Dive down through the pellucid water and turn a boulder .
5 Restlessly , she rose again and continued on around the house , following a cool stone path that seemed to be sloping down through the lush growth of shrubs and trees .
6 Her fingers widened , sliding over the bunched muscles of his shoulders , down through the golden hair feathering his chest , across the ridged hardness of his stomach .
7 She stepped down through the great door knowing , from long experience of the signs , that she would find a well kept and tended church .
8 The story of a man compelled to search for a pure virgin , read one evening while his mother was mending stockings , left him ‘ haunted by spectres ’ whenever he was in the dark ; other stories drew him out to the churchyard , where , with his imagination overflowing , he would race up and down through the great avenue of elm trees , and act out among the docks , nettles and rank grass whatever he had been reading .
9 The famous ceiling , where the wooden angels flew face down through the dusty air above the crowd , was so high it could scarcely be seen in the gloom .
10 Steep paths lead down through the landscaped gardens and over a foot-bridge to the main building directly across the road .
11 She had expected him to lead her around the side of the house towards the gravelled front courtyard ; instead he headed in the opposite direction , down through the wide grass path into the garden itself .
12 If you are using Windows then this scheme is particularly easy because all you have to do is click your way down through the duplicate directories in the File Manager until you ca n't find another copy of the directory and then drag the current version into the final old copy .
13 He walked to the window and gazed down through the net curtains .
14 But when I mentioned that there was a legendary tunnel that ran from the battlements of Beaufort down through the sheer rock to the bottom of the Litani gorge , they leapt to their feet and bounded up one of the staircases .
15 ‘ I wish I were you , ’ Alexandra said , ‘ I wish I were a mouse , ’ and then , drawn inexorably , she leaned forward across the table and looked down through the closed window at her mother 's upturned face below .
16 Incineration is the most appropriate disposal method for many wastes which can be rendered harmless only by breaking them down through the controlled use of heat .
17 Directed by Alston , the screaming ‘ Blitz Buggy ’ turned off and shot down through the narrow side streets of the Arab quarter .
18 He had been pacing the room with slow majestic energy ending by peering down through the venetian blind at Madison below .
19 However , the extent of the command in the Great Commission is not simply the spread of the gospel outwards territorially but down through the cultural layers .
20 Decentralization from the inner parts of cities accelerated from about 1960 , affecting the largest places first and then spreading down through the urban hierarchy .
21 We leaned on the railing , and peered down through the littered lattice of cross-angled trees , their backs broken in their last attempt to scramble up the cliff .
22 If rabbits do become cornered and then located there are no difficulties digging down through the minor roots from the thicket .
23 Down through the drifting cloud he could sometimes see the hazy plan-view of a German airfield .
24 With the drainage sill in place , drill down through the pre-drilled holes into the frame below .
25 Sceptics will no doubt dismiss Tito 's order ( even though it was issued down through the full chain of command ) and the assurances given pursuant to it by the Yugoslav negotiators at Bleiburg as mere window-dressing , and they may be right .
26 The water was thick and brown and went down through the top end of Spaladale at a fearful rate .
27 And he actually took her arm , quite simply and confidently , and rushed her on the wings of his enthusiasm down through the green complexities of the bowl , between the crisp , serrated walls , across the fragments of tiled pavement , past the forum pillars , down to where the emerald turf sloped off under a token wire barrier to the riverside path and the waters of the Comer .
28 It 's a short , sharp , you can see it there , you get to the top of it , get up to your roundabout , we hang a right , and the next , it 's a bit of a drag all the way up , you save coming , coming the other way it 's down hill , from just past The Bull , until you get to the , almost to that junction you turn off the top and you 're going up hill , just slowly , but cor , you get up to that , our junction , she drops down , we went straight down through the High Street , and we hung a right in the one way system , turn left , did n't get , quite get to Green Lane , turn left and up we come round the Green Lane , up and in the back way .
29 He pulled up and we could look down through the grey cloud-mist to the centre of the village where an old stone bridge and several houses were crumbling into the river .
30 Besides that , it leads down through the main generator rooms below .
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