Example sentences of "down and [verb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But there were some good memories , particularly of one Polish vessel after we had rescued their lifeboat , broken down and drifting in adverse weather in the outer reaches of the lock with the mate and several crewmen on board .
2 Mr you see various people are giving evidence , and Mr wants to ask the right person , certain questions , namely the person who er devised those words and er you are er somebody in a very important position er and er he 's trying to get it from you , and as he 's pointed out to you a company ca n't sit down and produce in some corporate way a phrase someone or two human beings or more have got to do it and he wants to know if you can help us er who , who that was , that 's , that 's all you see , he does n't want to ask you about it , no doubt er , er in the same way as he 'd want to ask a person that actually devised a word , d' ya see ?
3 That brass ring at her neck , attached to the zip all the way down that dress , like the ring you hold on to when you leap from a plane , plunging in free fall till you dare no more , then you pull the ring down , down and float in airy freedom , master of all you survey .
4 It would also be easy to take down and stow in stormy weather .
5 In the distance , Panton 's Brewery , closed down and demolished in 1893 .
6 The birds flew up noisily , circled , and then they came down and settled in another tree not far away .
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