Example sentences of "down [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Angela is planning a traditional wedding but the dresses she had seen were too romantic and frilly , and she was unsure about what to do with her make-up as she normally wears quite strong colours but felt she wanted to tone them down for her wedding day .
2 No , I 've never heard that before , put your name down for your Christmas lunch
3 Ah well , I can get down off my hobby horse now !
4 In addition , Maggie Lunan is not featured anywhere ; she should be down as our Education Secretary — again part-time .
5 The flocks whirled and wheeled , higher and higher , before nose-diving suddenly down towards their home terrace on the command of their flier .
6 And it looks now down on the bench which is er just down beneath our commentary position here as though Neil Webb is taking off his er track suit and will come on shortly .
7 Why not extend the study to co occurrence within the same phrase ( moon in a silver sky ) or within the same sentence ( the moon stared down with its silver eye ) ?
8 He and his wife , Carole , had sat down with their business adviser and decided they needed to get away from traditional crops and livestock .
9 Just in the middle of doing something I have to sit down with my mind blank and filling , like a pitcher , with sadness .
10 The next stage as soon as you find time is to sit down with your language helper and play the text back a phrase at a time in order to transcribe it .
11 As I have already hinted , there had always been a biochemical puzzle about how proteins or RNA might work in these transfer experiments , because all such large molecules are rapidly degraded in the gut and broken down into their component amino or nucleic acids before being taken into the general metabolism of the recipient .
12 With a x 40 microscope , surface lines become visible — the lines caused by buffing the silvered copper surface to its state of high polish , in readiness for exposure — but the image does not break down into its constituent silver-mercury particles .
13 A few seconds later it had settled down into its burrow nest .
14 Shiona frowned and stared down into her champagne glass .
15 Nell finished tightly tucking in the last strand of hair , and pulled on a black woollen balaclava before snuggling down into her sleeping bag , turning her face to the fuselage wall .
16 Florrie dipped down into her apron pocket and pulled out her tiny silver snuffbox .
17 She stared down into her sherry glass , a confusion of warmth mounting inside her .
18 What impressed me was that there was a perceptible interval between the explosion and the time at which Bernal ducked down into our shelter trench .
19 He paused , the butt of his cigar held against his brow , so that a cataract of white spume dribbled down into his eye socket .
20 The little girl was held by the back of her bent neck , and the lash of the crop swished down onto her cotton dress .
21 I asked for one ticket and paid for it , then I watched him ask for the same and fish down inside his carrier bag and bring out a ten pound note .
22 ‘ When they got through into Lenin Square , the leadership of the republic climbed down from their viewing podium and ran off .
23 The sweat was running down from his hair line and trickling into his eyes .
24 While the men put them on , he led the fishing-line down from his marlin rod lashed to the after port stay .
25 The reorganisation of the CNRS and other bodies is one facet of a major principle behind the government strategy : the researcher must be tempted down from his ivory tower to talk to industry and think about the needs of the real world .
26 As of today Clint is coming down from my kitchen wall and Gazza Gascoigne is going up .
27 ‘ My Cat ’ , it began , ‘ was in agony due to being hung upside down from our bedroom window by my brother , when I set off in the luxurious coach provided for us .
28 A correspondent , Victor Coughtrecy , wrote in to demand that ‘ you really must climb down from your ivory tower and admit that you ( and I ) represent a tiny minority of intellectual misfits …
29 She indicated the white leather armchair in front of her desk , then sat down in her swivel chair and reached for the telephone .
30 At last Rosen sat down in his desk chair and scratched his forehead .
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