Example sentences of "being [vb pp] out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the first case , each text is given its own header , with any material common to all texts being factored out to an overall corpus header .
2 He 's being posted out to the West Indies and he 's asked her to marry him and go with him .
3 FREE toothbrushes are being given out to the first 400 visitors to an exhibition encouraging people to brush up on dental hygiene .
4 A member of staff from Finance contacted the team concerned that her name was being given out on the radio .
5 Copies of the charter were being given out during the rush hour at Darlington but connections proved not to be the best with an hour wait for the next train south .
6 The sounds of what was going on in the box were being relayed out into the laboratory where Gedanken was , but nothing happening in the laboratory was getting through to the beetles in the box .
7 Bob Geldof 's initiative resulted in the biggest ever sum of money being wrung out of the haves on behalf of the have-nots ; in itself and in isolation an admirable achievement .
8 Today sees a second order being flown out to the military base at Kaliningrad .
9 Replacement equipment was being flown out to the rig from the helicopter 's base at Aberdeen .
10 In Eastern Europe , meanwhile , new nation states are being formed out of the debris of the old system and nationalist feeling is exceptionally strong , and it is an open question whether some of these states will in due course be incorporated in an enlarged EC or perhaps in some still wider , but as yet only vaguely conceived , ‘ European homeland ’ ( to use Gorbachev 's expression ) .
11 Llewelyn turned from the harness that was being checked out of the armoury , and looked at his foster-son for a moment from so far away and by so dazzling a light that he seemed hardly to know him .
12 The all-male strip troupe are being checked out by the Office of Fair Trading after a rival group complained about unfair practices .
13 Ask a hundred people what their least favourite part of the Spectrum is and the odds are heavily stacked in favour of the keyboard being pointed out as a prime culprit .
14 The young are being drained out of the village .
15 ‘ It 's asking for trouble when people are being turfed out into the street and have paid to come to a club until 2am .
16 Quite apart from this impulsive folly , there was another reason for Leopold to be anxious : Wolfgang had written that on being turfed out of the archbishop 's lodgings he had taken refuge with his friends the Webers , who had left Munich for Vienna in 1779 when Aloysia was taken on at the German opera .
17 Hollywood was scared , not simply because of the threat to personal life and limb , but by the implications being meted out in the press which followed two distinct inferences : first that Polanski through his and his dead friends ' involvement with drugs had brought this tragedy upon his own house , and , second , that the ‘ new ’ Hollywood in general must accept some guilt through its current fascination with violence , drugs , sex and the lifestyle of what appeared — in the eyes of the establishment — to be a mortally sick section of society .
18 I 've just remembered this , her saying about Annette , you know when Sue came up and said about erm being stunk out by the exhaust on that
19 When God is posited as the First Cause , the very ideas of cause and effect are being torn out of the context in which they properly belong , that of the perceived regularities in the world of which we are aware .
20 ‘ How could Buckingham make such treasonable utterances — without being hounded out of the chamber ! ’
21 County Tory leader , Councillor Simon Cussons , says he has had complaints from youngsters who feel they are being hounded out of the pubs .
22 But there are few advocates for patients with anorexia nervosa and they carry the risk of being squeezed out by the increasingly technological emphasis of general medicine and the concentration of psychiatric services on the needs of chronic psychotic patients .
23 ‘ Lili Marlene ’ was constantly being moaned out on the radio , but when I was with my friends , the ones who had gramophones , we played American records which their parents had acquired years before the war .
24 Similarly , importing a bitmapped graphic in any of the variety of formats DW1.2 supports gives the opportunity to use the very simple tracing tool to trace only selected shapes and pick them out of the bitmap — the second screenshot shows the Windows 3.1 window being picked out of the 3.1 opening logo screen .
25 The brains themselves only need the lightest poaching for a quarter of an hour before being lifted out of the court-bouillon and set on the beds of lettuce .
26 In each case the experience of being wrenched out of the familiar instigates an identity crisis which results in a series of ‘ rebirths ’ as the protagonist grapples with the problem of selfhood and strives to construct some form of coherent identity out of the scraps of other peoples ' languages which penetrate his or her consciousness .
27 Just pause there what do think about that girl being tipped out of the bed ?
28 The last smear of faded orange was being sucked out of the sky and a few windows jumped into oblongs of light along the battered terrace .
29 What was in fact happening , as the wizard knew , was that as the abused spirit of Bel-Shamharoth sank through the deeper chthonic planes his brooding spirit was being sucked out of the very stones into the region which , according to the discworld 's most reliable priests , was both under the ground and Somewhere Else .
30 When the autumn gales blew you could see the smoke being sucked out through the wall like water out of a leaky bucket .
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