Example sentences of "being [vb pp] for the first " in BNC.

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1 A special austerity programme had reduced the range of consumer goods and foodstuffs , with eggs and bread being rationed for the first time .
2 Every activity in the left-hand path is treated as if it were being undertaken for the first time .
3 Although some horses will travel in horse trailers as if it is second nature to them , even without having any previous related experience ; and some horses will stand perfectly and quietly for the farrier when they are being shod for the first time ; many will not !
4 It is not that the question of the ordination of women is being considered for the first time in our day !
5 The Education Act of 1944 , for example , led to the majority of rural school children being educated for the first time outside their own village after the age of eleven .
6 Each controversial assertion is treated as if it were being made for the first time .
7 Young ladies being presented for the first time were known as debutantes .
8 Common sense requires one to recognize that the most significant things were what was being said for the first time , at least in that form , in modern Catholic history and with such authority .
9 These pilot events have been developed , in conjunction with the Department of Industrial and Social Studies , to form the core of a new elective module ‘ Team Development in Practice ’ being offered for the first time in semester one 1993/94 .
10 For example , the 1987/88 Programme of Work included a major review of the modules in Personal and Social Development ( PSD ) ; the fruits of this review appeared in the catalogue last April and the new and revised modules are being used for the first time this session .
11 It is the combination of being told for the first time that you have coronary disease with the need for an emergency procedure , for example , an angiogram .
12 Most catalogues begin , usually with some proud and flamboyant phraseology , by describing the new varieties being introduced for the first time , and invariably , because they are the kinds that get most of the breeders ' attentions , these will be H.T.s and Floribundas .
13 The requirements for safe glazing is being provided for the first time , but do not apply to glazing which is being replaced .
14 If you supply the identifier of a Paper SPR that is being updated for the first time , a warning message will be displayed .
15 It was as if our vision was a piece of elastic which was being stretched for the first time after a long period in a drawer .
16 The party 's Anglican commitment was as firm as ever before 1914 , even though it was being led for the first time by a man who was not an Anglican himself .
17 The links they forged here , both during and after the Second World War , are being illustrated for the first time in a remarkable new exhibition , which opens at the Scottish United Services Museum , Edinburgh Castle on 21 April .
18 They drove us as far as the mud roads would allow in the royal land-rover , and down to the bay where a pearl-oyster hatchery was being tried for the first time ; and at night there were more festivities , and endless delectable maidens vying for our attentions …
19 Much of their repertory is being recorded for the first time ( or very nearly so ) , and it may be that some current recordings will sound exploratory , even tentative , to future generations who will have the privilege to take things further .
20 In 1968 , President Kaunda addressed the International press Institute 's annual assembly , then being held for the first time in an independent , black-ruled African nation : African countries , he said , had ‘ gone out of their way ’ to encourage the foreign press to report African affairs .
21 The previous November , the government had assented to the idea of an annual White Paper on expenditure and a debate , the paper being published and the debate being held for the first time in the winter of 1969–70 .
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