Example sentences of "being [vb pp] [prep] the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 The person responsible for the running of the 160-year-old bank , Sergeant-at-Arms Jack Russ , had resigned on March 12 after being criticized in the Ethics Committee 's report for the manner in which he had administered the bank .
2 From the answers a narrative history can be written , and perhaps published in the local press or parish magazine , full credit ( with photographs ) being given to the people who provided all the information .
3 Again , Jeremiah was doing the Lord 's work as a servant ; in the passage we heard a few moments ago , he expressed his dismay at the manner in which he was being treated by the people .
4 While her letter galvanized sixty Members of Parliament to draft a motion ‘ deploring the manner in which Lady Diana Spencer is being treated by the media ’ and led to a meeting between editors and the Press Council , the siege of Coleherne Court continued .
5 They er well I think constitutionally it 's very difficult and this is why there is now in a similar sense as why I suggested it to you as a subject , because not only it was er a very emotional story of a glamorous young woman saying I ca n't cope with being treated by the media and other people , I 'm going to retreat but what made it so historic and therefore the treatment of it 's so interesting , was that it presented such an extraordinary constitutional position
6 Most types of glider are reluctant to enter a full spin unless they are being flown with the c.g. on or very close to the aft limit , that is by light pilots .
7 Reports indicate that take-off and landing scenes were shot on the Akagi set , but that one hard landing caused a Zeke break through the wooden deck with the gear being ripped from the aircraft .
8 Silicon Graphics ' endeavour to produce a floating-point intensive R4000 part by next year in conjunction with Toshiba Corp , called TFP ( UX No 380 ) , is being re-integrated into the MIPS unit , taking some 40 Silicon Graphics engineers along with it .
9 However , if we look up rather than down the stratification hierarchy and see serious crimes being committed by the people who are respectable , well-educated , wealthy , and socially privileged then the imagery of pathology seems harder to accept .
10 Even by 1972 , energy and economic issues displaced environmental issues as more newsworthy , being deemed by the media to be of greater and more immediate public interest ( Parlour , 1980 ) .
11 Its presence can perhaps most easily be seen as resulting from more ( or fewer ) demanders than average being located in the th market .
12 Questionnaires received after 8 November are being added to the data file , and revised estimates of key variables will be included in the second interim report In June 1985 , along with information from the planned follow-up study .
13 The bond is being recommended as the means to provide funds for a variety of personal needs ; these include retirement provision , school fees , and repayment of debt or mortgages .
14 The flag-draped coffin of Musician Richard ‘ Taff ’ Jones , 27 , one of the 10 Royal Marines bandsmen killed by IRA bombers at Deal , Kent , being carried from the barracks church , St Michael and All Angels , after a joint funeral service for him and Musician Bob Simmonds , 34 .
15 The middle-class capitalist required the legitimacy of all his children not only to protect his possessions from being enjoyed by the offspring of other men but to ensure the loyalty of his sons who might be business partners , and of his daughters who might be essential in marriage alliances .
16 Mr Leslie Draper , her solicitor , said : ‘ She was appalled at the hardship following atrocities in Northern Ireland and was not convinced enough was being done for the people left behind .
17 Already it is apparent that divisions are being drawn between school and community , with distinctions being made between the staff who were appointed to community positions ? their qualifications , and their professionalism compared with teachers .
18 John Stewart ( Points of View , today ) laments over the quality of programmes being made for the £30 million being spent over the next three years on Gaelic television .
19 One of Australia 's few remaining stars was Jeff Thomson , and much was being made by the media of his non-defection to WSC .
20 The 26-year-old victim was tied up , gagged and sexually assaulted in her home after being ambushed by the pair , who were hiding behind dustbins .
21 ‘ In East Germany a fascinating chapter of history is being written by the people .
22 How would the caring services react if we knew that our performance was being evaluated by the people we were serving , and if disabled people were always involved in deciding : which issues they felt were most important ; how the money should be spent ; and who they wanted to employ to support them to get the job done .
23 Accordingly , simple year-on-year comparisons can lead to unreliable conclusions being drawn from the data .
24 Some of these were not foreseeable or preventable but they all represent threats to our reputation , and all were reported to the media ( although we managed to stop two of them being used by the media ) .
25 Because it 's being betrayed by the people who are meant to govern it .
26 Similarly , sociologists have challenged the findings of criminologists and psychiatrists as being based on the people who are seen by psychiatrists only , not on those who are never seen in the prison , the clinic or the hospital .
27 According to Gavron 's survey of ninety-six urban housewives , the feeling of being tied to the house.and isolated from meaningful social contacts is a common one for both working-class and middle-class women .
28 His trouble this time was that masons , carpenters , and other mechanics were leaving the job almost as soon as they started , because of the outrageous rents being demanded by the people with houses bordering the line , especially in Rhyll , where they wanted ten shillings a week just for a room .
29 Conservative Central Office has ordered special security screening measures to prevent firearms or bombs being smuggled into the £3m pavilion .
30 To capitalise on the award , adverts are being taken in the main trade magazines , and leaflets are being distributed to the sales force , both of which will inform carpet retailers throughout the country that Lafayette has ‘ outstanding sales potential . ’
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