Example sentences of "being [vb pp] [prep] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The special arrangements that had been made for the new pathway students had caused resentment among other students , who felt that they were being treated like second class citizens , and enthusiasm from staff members who had been involved in the parallel track had reassured other faculty members .
2 I do not agree with Stella Lowry that ‘ special arrangements that had been made for the new pathway students had caused resentment among other students , who felt that they were being treated like second class citizens . ’
3 By the time ‘ taking stock ’ is occurring in preparation for the annual report to parents , priorities are being considered for next year 's Plan .
4 The jury will resume considering their verdicts today on Alan Lord , 31 , Mark Azzopardi , 23 , John Murray , 24 — who are all still being sought after last week 's break-out — Andrew Nelson , 22 , Nathan Gaynor , 22 , Darren Jones , 20 , and Morton .
5 Application can also be made when the freehold title is registered but not the leasehold , when the leasehold is registered but not the freehold , and when the leasehold is either registered or unregistered and application is being made for first registration of the freehold title .
6 The MIR-ADN alliance failed to win La Paz , being pushed into second place by the Conscience of the Fatherland party ( Conciencia de Patria — CONDEPA ) ; the National Revolutionary Movement ( Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario ( Histórico ) — MNR ) came third .
7 A law to require any manufacturer selling computers in Germany to take back its equipment for reuse or recycling is being drafted for next year , while governments in Denmark and Sweden are considering legislation this spring for mandating some kind of electronics scrap recycling program .
8 The play is being performed by Second Wave members with the cast of thirteen drawn from the weekly performance group ( 12–16 year olds ) .
9 Nah , not being papered till next week never know , well it ca n't be any worse than any other time really can it ?
10 Education officials readily admitted that a decade of Sandinista rule had not yet resolved ‘ the cultural problem we have inherited of women being relegated to second place ’ .
11 Virtually the whole movement comprises a double canon which begins as in the second violin and viola parts given in Example 90 ( these parts first being played by first violin and viola ) : The point at which our example begins is the first entry of the full orchestra , with the first and second violins in one canon and the violas and basses in another .
12 Despite some opposition the hierarchy was restored on 4 March 1878 , Eyre himself being translated as first archbishop of Glasgow .
13 Oyston sees the north being reduced to Third World status , and is alarmed that the country is being taken over by foreign investment .
14 In two by-elections held in Bradford North and in Bootle on Nov. 8 the Labour Party increased its share of the vote , with the Conservative candidate in Bradford being forced into third place behind the Liberal Democrat .
15 Photographs are also of great benefit when a repudiation of liability is being discussed with third party solicitors .
16 But as soon as he cursed himself for being taken in last night by Isabel 's distress , two insistent memories shook his belief that it had been an act put on for his benefit : the way she had clung fiercely to his hand when they had passed the dungeons , her grip almost painfully strong , and the stricken expression on her face when he had ordered her to strip .
17 Every District Land Registry sends its replies by first-class mail , often by return of post , to all searches received by first-class post ; therefore it should be your invariable practice to send your requisition by first-class mail , too ; otherwise , being delivered by second delivery ( and sometimes later than that ) , it will only be dealt with the following day .
18 Hunt overtook Lauda to win the Spanish Grand Prix at Jarama , the fourth of the championship , but then the season-long wrangling and arguing started when it was ruled that Hunt 's car was 1.8 cm ( 0.7 in ) too wide and he was stripped of his points , Lauda being promoted to first place .
19 Recruits commence as trainee third steward where they spend three months on the job training before being confirmed as third steward .
20 DAMON Hill saw his late father Graham 's Monaco Grand Prix record broken by Ayrton Senna but was the first to congratulate the Brazilian despite his own personal disappointment of being beaten into second place .
21 Money has been spent to kit the players and to buy much-needed equipment , and a tour is being planned for next season .
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