Example sentences of "being [vb pp] [adv prt] by the " in BNC.

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1 The all-male strip troupe are being checked out by the Office of Fair Trading after a rival group complained about unfair practices .
2 Has my mother any entitlement to income on the £60,000 as it was being gathered in by the solicitors and prior to it being handed over to the investment adviser for the purchase of the securities agreed by the trustees ?
3 I 've just remembered this , her saying about Annette , you know when Sue came up and said about erm being stunk out by the exhaust on that
4 But there are few advocates for patients with anorexia nervosa and they carry the risk of being squeezed out by the increasingly technological emphasis of general medicine and the concentration of psychiatric services on the needs of chronic psychotic patients .
5 Some Sutton pupils expressed worries about being picked on by the ‘ bigger ones ’ and were concerned about going into the same playground .
6 Sometimes we went to the Cours Mirabeau and watched the debris from the daily market being picked over by the local dogs .
7 This explanation of urban poverty in terms of ‘ perverse incentives ’ is being picked up by the right wing in Britain and used as the basis for proposals for new policies and regulations regarding unemployment benefit , income support , and housing entitlement as they apply to lone mothers .
8 Now she sees many of the ideas being picked up by the commercial companies with which she had dealings because they believe it brings new talent into the industry .
9 Video 8 , with its inability to dub audio separately , inserts both new pictures and sound , the latter being whatever was being picked up by the camcorder 's microphone while the title was being recorded — unless you have arranged for some other sound to be fed onto the tape !
10 By 1929 the drift towards a new cinema as being picked up by the critics , who eagerly pointed out both what they liked in the new films and what they thought would be well received by audiences .
11 Up in the gallery a careful watch is being kept on sound levels to ensure the noise from the fan is drowned out by the radiophonic wind effect now carrying through the studio 's talkback system and being picked up by the microphones .
12 TEACHERS of young children are being looked on by the Government as ‘ not a lot more than well-disciplined child-minders , ’ a senior Belfast education adviser claimed today .
13 Investment criteria that are applied as a matter of course to every other company are in danger of being abandoned completely as the institutions face the prospect of being sucked in by the Government 's subtle propaganda .
14 The Court of Appeal held , however , that there was no partnership in existence , since no business was being carried on by the defendant and X ; on the contrary , the goods had been ordered in preparation for the formation of a company , and such transactions could not be considered as ‘ carrying on a business ’ .
15 With birds and mammals it is nearly always the female that looks after the young , without the help of the male , but many fish reverse this procedure , with all parental duties being carried out by the males , as in the case of nest-building sticklebacks and pouch-carrying seahorses .
16 The transaction 's commercial object was that the Prudential would acquire a development being carried out by the developers with funds provided by the Prudential .
17 Responsible for heavy cleaning work , the movement of stores and for odd maintenance jobs ( e.g. the replacement of light bulbs etc. ) , major maintenance being carried out by the Polytechnic 's Building Division .
18 Then you may be able to help with a unique research project being carried out by the Royal Horticultural Society , the Royal Botanical Gardens , Kew , and the National Poisons Unit .
19 The members of the Board felt that a community approach was essential and hoped that our work with the community would complement the work being carried out by the above and other organisations in the area .
20 The care being carried out by the nurses may appear to be complex , e.g. special preparations for theatre and technical procedures such as the care of intravenous infusions and wound drains .
21 ( 6 ) The purpose of the questions and the need for the interview , on this occasion , is to obtain information relevant to an investigation being carried out by the Office such information being necessary for the purpose of preventing or minimising harm or loss to third parties .
22 I am writing to ask for the co-operation of your Institution in a survey of Language in Teacher Education which is being carried out by the NCLE .
23 Introductory note : This questionnaire forms part of a survey which is being carried out by the NCLE to establish the extent of current provision for language education in the training , both pre- and in-service , of all teachers .
24 I am quite sure lessons for everyone will emerge from the inquiry being carried out by the Welsh Affairs Committee .
25 There was some cooking being carried out by the women — and a great deal of drinking .
26 That inquiry is not being carried out by the military or the police , and when we see what it reports , we will decide , together with our EC partners , what to do next .
27 A great deal of work is being carried out by the Health Education Authority , the Department of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food to ensure that people have simple and effective information about healthy eating , and a great deal is being done on school meals , with the particular help of the wife of our own Secretary of State .
28 It should have spent a little more time looking at the serious work being carried out by the Health Education Authority and less time on carping criticisms of the authority 's work .
29 The formal consultative process is being carried out by the Scottish Education Department and comments on the report should be directed to J C Pearson Esq , Scottish Education Department , Room 2/19 , New St Andrew 's House , Edinburgh EH1 3SY .
30 At the resumed talks it was agreed that Petur Mladenov , the State Council President and former Foreign Affairs Minister , would be elected President of Bulgaria ( his formal election being carried out by the Assembly on April 3 ) , but would be replaced when a newly elected legislature approved a new constitution .
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