Example sentences of "being [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The massacres would not be right from his viewpoint and wrong from theirs , he would be objectively right to kill and they to resist being killed ; the parallel would be to two contenders for a job both being right to apply in the eyes of all , not to each thinking himself right to apply and the other wrong .
2 At best , a family might be given two shillings weekly if , after being willing to submit to a very strict investigation into their financial position ( this was called a ‘ Means Test ’ ) they were found to be at starvation level .
3 It was agreed that a pedestrian tunnel , the Tower subway , should be driven under the Thames ‘ as a sample of the system ’ , but the memory of the extreme difficulties of Isambard K. Brunel [ q.v. ] in completing the Thames tunnel resulted in none of the contractors approached by Barlow being willing to tender for the work .
4 For her and others like her it is a question of wanting it sufficiently , being prepared to put in the work and not expecting concessions because they are women .
5 Dr Mikulas Huba , head of the Slovak Parliamentary Committee for Nature and Environmental Protection , has accused the government of being prepared to sell off the entire Tatra range to Americans without formal authority .
6 His language was often alarming , not least to America 's allies : he spoke of meeting Soviet aggressive with " massive retaliation " ( that is , nuclear weapons ) , and the need , in diplomacy , to have the nerve for " brinkmanship " ( being prepared to go to the brink of nuclear war ) .
7 In being prepared to lend to the discount houses or to buy bills from them , the Bank of England is the ultimate guarantor of sufficient liquidity in the monetary system and is known as lender of last resort .
8 Banks , being prepared to operate with a lower liquidity ratio , were only too pleased to supply the credit being demanded .
9 The bench table is fitted with a very useful horizontal angleguide which can be locked into any position in front of the disc , or it can be locked at the desired angle while being free to slide in a slot parallel with the disc face .
10 Stage 3 : A semi-open prison or low security gaol , the inmate being free to move about the grounds and working outside the facility during the day .
11 Many customers like being free to move around the store
12 This resulted in not only booksellers being free to pitch for the school business , but publishers too .
13 ‘ You were right , of course , about it being impossible to carry through the fantasy look and dress Therese as a fairy heroine .
14 Even were he able to persuade her to marry him , somehow he could not envisage her being content to live on a ranch among a whole lot of strangers and without the luxuries she took for granted .
15 He was rather an unambitious man as regards fame and position , being content to remain with the firm of Boulton & Watt until his death .
16 Whether he wins or not , I shall remember him for his fearlessness , for not being content to run like a solitary god between the gunpowder hills of Lanzarote , but for running in the race instead .
17 The Pope and clergy were criticised for instigating men to refuse full allegiance to the civil power and for being unwilling to submit to the jurisdiction of civil courts .
18 We therefore revised BP 's financial strategy to adapt to a lower growth rate and a more conservative series of margin assumptions , which for planning purposes we took as being unlikely to improve in the early nineties .
19 We all assumed that because of the , yeah the media pressure , at least talks would start , but I think possibly the management thought that because of this one-sided pressure , you know it seemed at the time that nothing nice was being said about the management , you know you can almost understand them being reluctant to go into a room and offering their side of the argument .
20 The main problem was that if the new devolved NHS services were to replace the asylums ' treatment , then a structure of long-term support would be needed for those who , albeit now being able to live in the community rather than vegetate as long-term inpatients , still mostly required structured day care or home visiting or occupation .
21 Being able to dispense with the services of an interpreter is a big incentive to fluency .
22 True physical fitness is something more than being able to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life .
23 As a dental assistant , being able to cope with the dangers of the deep has its advantages .
24 4 not being able to cope in an emergency , e.g. a haemorrhage or cardiac arrest .
25 What chance was there of this little community , riddled with prejudice and of limited intelligence , being able to discriminate between the strength of one argument and the strength of another ?
26 British historians are especially fortunate in being able to draw on the oldest tradition of popular autobiography in the world .
27 3D means being able to draw in the x , y and z planes .
28 ‘ The requirement of a creditor to wait 12 months before claiming relief instead of being able to claim at the end of the first quarter after an insolvency ( as was possible previously ) has an adverse effect on his own business 's cash flow .
29 ‘ One of the most difficult matches we have ever been asked to play , ’ confided Sir Alf Ramsey in June , 1973 , his apprehension understandable despite being able to call upon the vast experience of Bobby Moore , Alan Ball and Martin Peters .
30 Community care also highlights one of the fundamental flaws of charters — there is little point being able to complain about a service if it simply is not there in the first place .
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