Example sentences of "being [verb] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are , for example , already more than 300 local authority solar/ low energy council house schemes in the UK and the CEGB is embarking on a programme of windmill construction and assessment — with a 3MW unit being erected on the Orkneys and ten smaller machines being deployed in East Anglia , as well as test units at Carmarthen Bay in Wales .
2 It could be objected that too much onus is being placed on the contribution of the adult .
3 In view of the fears expressed about the possibility of serious restrictions being placed on the availability of certain nutritional supplements as a result of the new EC regulations , will the Minister give us an assurance that the Government will conduct far wider and genuine consultations on the discussion paper that has been produced by the European Commission ?
4 to pay to the Landlord on demand with Interest the amount of such insurance money so irrecoverable in which event the provisions of clauses 7.5 and 7.6 shall apply ] It is not unreasonable for a lease to contain a provision that the tenant will pay for the reinstatement of premises where insurance has been vitiated subject to a limitation being placed on the persons who can trigger this provision and possibly subject to the tenant being allowed to receive the payable insurance money as the reinstatement progresses .
5 This fashion of dimidiation was abandoned by at least the late fourteenth century and replaced by the style of compressing each set of armorial bearings onto one half of the shield — the husband 's being placed on the dexter and the wife 's on the sinister .
6 She heard the clink of glasses being placed on the wall , heard the rustle of clothing as he removed his jacket and placed it warmly round her shoulders .
7 The head and individual staff members meeting for about an hour to discuss the staff member 's responsibilities and the way that the school has progressed over the year ; particular stress being placed on the successes of the staff member and in finding areas of development and growth .
8 Rather it is an additional line of argument in cases where reliance is being placed on the fact that the decision is unreasonable or that irrelevant considerations have been taken into account .
9 The dictates of self-preservation often ensured that the respectable young working woman dissociated herself from the known prostitute , since association with prostitutes rendered a woman 's character suspect to the police and could lead to her name being placed on the registration list .
10 To equalise the pressure in the bladder to that being placed on the body , it is inflated during descent and deflated on rising .
11 Claims by McEwan that undue weight is being placed on the episode strike one as disingenuous .
12 By the last decades of the seventeenth century a much heavier emphasis than ever before was being placed on the need for honesty , for the diplomat to behave in a way which inspired confidence in those with whom he dealt .
13 Second , the works induction training package should be updated , with particular emphasis being placed on the need for non-asbestos workers to be aware of potential problem .
14 Given the emphasis currently being placed on the role that schools should be playing , by providing a more socially relevant curriculum , more student-centred learning and a less alienating environment so as to prevent truancy , it is clearly important that education becomes the focus of any intervention .
15 Increasing emphasis is being placed on the role that remote sensing can play in temperate climates such as Britain , where commonly the soils are glacially transported and where natural vegetation patterns have been extensively modified .
16 Emphasis is also being placed on the effectiveness of the fleece covers as an insect barrier to keep off pests such as carrot fly , whitefly and cabbage butterflies so avoiding the frequent and extensive damage that can otherwise only be prevented by using pesticides .
17 Some of the wounded were being placed on the grass in front of the Chateau .
18 The less fortunate were the severely wounded who were being placed on the grass with two medics to attend to their wounds .
19 The alternative is to use the wind generator or the solar panel as the primary source of recharging , in which case its output must correspond to or exceed the power drain being placed on the battery .
20 Yet in the next sentence he says , " I should strongly object to a bar being placed on the employment of women " . "
21 A new framework is needed , say the NRA , because many consents are no longer relevant to the increasing demands being placed on the waterways .
22 Five of eight houses offered for sale at Sanquhar Den in Forres , near Inverness , were snapped up within days of being placed on the market .
23 The problem was resolved by writing our own information retrieval program which met most of the requirements as they then existed and , with much thought being given on the subject , was designed to be flexible enough to cater for the majority of future needs .
24 It must have been like this watching a man being broken on the rack , Blanche thought .
25 To refuse access to such information on the basis of national security considerations might open the possibility of the case against Noriega being dismissed on the grounds that the defendant was being denied information essential to his defence .
26 Athelstan dared across at the blue , red and gold painting now being formed on the wall .
27 In the hope that deteriorating wartime conditions in Vietnam would spark insurrection , a liberation army of sorts was being formed on the border ; but when the attack went off at half-cock ( leaders executed or arrested and followers dispersed ) another threat to the French position was removed and it must have become clear that the only credible threat to French power lay in France itself , at least until the forces of nationalism were able to attract some effective outside sponsorship or else embed themselves in the people to the point where they became an organized national resistance .
28 Text , graphics and other images created in standard office automation programs could be imported into the program , given typographic attributes such as typeface , style and size before being arranged on the page as required .
29 THOUSANDS of banner-waving workers will protest at the ‘ severe attack ’ being sustained on the health service at a rally at Belfast City Hall on Monday .
30 Disconcerting , therefore , to hear that the pub is being floated on the property market .
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