Example sentences of "being [verb] [prep] [det] time " in BNC.

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1 This strategy of inculcation and for more explicit interventions into the flow of subjective responses , experiences , and pleasures , had a great deal in common with the programme for a renewed Liberalism being developed at this time by L. T. Hobhouse :
2 The former soldier said : ‘ It was a bit like being mortared at any time .
3 ‘ The QE2 was being built at that time .
4 It was not just in the treatment of syphilis that advances were being made at this time .
5 He brought his ballad finished ’ , we hardly need to be reminded that The Rime of the Ancient Mariner , Christabel , and other poems were being written at this time .
6 ExerCal takes your current body weight and duration of your exercise period and tells you how many calories are being used in that time .
7 Piston-engined trainers were also still being produced during this time , including the Yak–18 series which culminated in the Yak–18T , an example of which is on display .
8 Where a claim is submitted stating ‘ paint spilt on carpet ’ investigations should be made to establish that the room was actually being redecorated at that time .
9 Better management is likely to result from a period of careful observation and assessment , with considerable support being provided at this time through frequent contact with nursing and other ward staff .
10 The historic state coach No 351 which was being restored at that time suffered exterior damage in the fire but it is now intended to restore it as a museum piece .
11 In 1820 he was sent to Fort Augustus , where the locks of the Caledonian canal were under construction , and , as his father was well known to everyone there , he was given the opportunity of learning not only masonry but all the branches of civil and mechanical engineering that were being practised at that time .
12 Usually a direct file will be one of a number of files being processed at any time .
13 The opportunity was taken to get further information from customers about volumes and types of transactions being processed at these times .
14 Hitchcock was triumphantly able to achieve this sort of synthesis , but it is not surprising that Woolf was suspicious of the highbrow values that were being propagated around this time , and decided to challenge their deployment on this film .
15 It should also be understood that black sportsmen work sedulously at perpetuating their popular image of being relaxed at all times .
16 At the time of writing , the founding session of the Freie Akademie der Künste in Leipzig ( the Free Academy of the Arts ) is being planned for some time in May .
17 At the time of writing , the founding session of the Freie Akademie der Künste in Leipzig ( the Free Academy of the Arts ) is being planned for some time in May .
18 Given the time needed to deal with the residue of Poll Tax no reduction in Support Services , including typing is being suggested at this time and other services are expected to continue as at present .
19 It was probably in 1937 that he and Tolkien had a conversation about their distaste for much of what was being published at that time .
20 The courtyard is breathtakingly beautiful , although to have your breath taken away it is necessary to keep student hours , the entrance from the Via Francesco side being controlled at all times , while that on the Via Festa del Perdono side is open when the University is also open .
21 That purpose rapidly became defunct , but the afforestation continued with thousands of acres being planted since that time , at the expense of many of our ancient broadleaved woodlands that nurture diversity .
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