Example sentences of "even [subord] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even where the binary policy was welcomed — for instance in the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutes ( ATTI ) and the local authorities — there were often reservations , either about the rigidity of the binary boundary , or about the possibility of the ‘ public sector ’ acquiring sufficient resources or status .
2 But , as civil servants have discovered in the past , prosecution under the Official Secrets Act may be brought even where the civil servant ( or the engineer in this case ) is exposing improper or even illegal conduct by the executive .
3 The general approach now is for the courts to require that a minister produce reasonable grounds for his action , even where the jurisdictional fact is subjectively framed .
4 But even where the additional word lego is used , there is no suggestion that Scaevola thinks the disposition should be treated as a legacy .
5 The European Convention differs in that it establishes effective enforcement machinery of which the aggrieved individual can avail himself , even where the alleged offender is his own home state .
6 It 's wise , when the seller is married , to have him or ( more commonly ) her execute the contract ( see special condition J ) and this even where the other spouse is absent from the property .
7 As old age advances this can become a very disturbing experience and even where the medical problem is not grave the hospitalization itself can accelerate confusion and frailty among old people .
8 But there is usually an effective distinction from the institutions of simple commodity production even where the cultural work is quite clearly a commodity it is almost always , and often justly , also described in very different terms — and from the institutions or power and administration , in which purposes and objectives are inherent .
9 But this applies now even where the particular family no longer conforms to traditional standards and takes account explicitly of the rise of one-parent families in German society .
10 Verticality and high barriers to the entry of local producers co-exist in many other industries , even where the structural balance is quite different .
11 I do not know how the RAF dealt with bed-wetters in the days of National Service , but I am certain that even although the Royal Navy had abandoned hammocks not long after the Second World War , a persistent enuretic on board a warship would create even more serious problems than he could in an army barracks .
12 Unless later modified ( e.g. Fig. 5.18d ) , alteration fabrics are recognizable as they mimic the form of the precursor mineral , even although the original texture is commonly destroyed to some extent .
13 The great grey is one of the largest of the forest owls of Scandinavia , larger even than the snowy owl of the Arctic tundra , and one species we had little hope of finding unaided .
14 Perhaps more difficult even than the financial juggling is the isolation and loneliness .
15 In the case of elderly people these economic considerations seem somewhat more important even than the elderly person 's need for physical care .
16 What is clear , however , is that any trial , whether or not Mr. Osman takes part , will be long and complex ; more so even than the Carrian trial .
17 More than any other sound , more even than the grunting roar of a lion , their howling evokes for me the African night .
18 More splendid than her antique fan of ombré ostrich plumes or her green-black coq feather boa , more splendid even than the towering aigrette á la Pougy which she wore sometimes to go with the diamond .
19 Holidays spent in Swindon or Wales , a time of freedom from the severities of classroom timetables and disciplines , gave opportunities for naturalistic pursuits in a setting more favourable even than the widening circle of his weekend and holiday explorations of London and Surrey commons with Arthur Hardy or his own brothers , themselves an essential escape from domesticity , homework and discipline .
20 Of course professional use is significantly more , but even than the actual period of continuous operation is deceptively low .
21 Dr Lee has recently pointed out that although the resources which went into the exporting industries could have been channelled elsewhere , the return would almost certainly have been less : " An eighteenth-century economy without resource to trade would have been smaller , less diversified and must have generated less growth even than the modest rate of increase actually achieved . "
22 At a slightly more abstract level , the unacknowledged influence of the functionalist model upon sociolinguistic theory is more pervasive even than the widespread use of the notion of prestige suggests ; an interesting example is Labov 's early definition of a speech community in terms of shared norms and common evaluation of the very linguistic variables which differentiate speakers ( Labov 1966 : 125 ) ; it is the emphasis on shared norms and values rather than on conflict which differentiates quite sharply Marxist and functionalist views of class .
23 Most analysts reckon some sort of reflex reaction is inevitable , although fund managers are expected to remain on the sidelines , perhaps even until the new government 's Budget is unveiled in two or three weeks time .
24 Hence , even if the correct word was not in the lattice , it is very possible that an incorrect word belonging to the same syntactic category may have been present instead .
25 ( iv ) Individuals choose to belong to national groups ( even if the oppressing force reduces the range of choice to a very narrow one ) and do so as the selection of a strategy for action , not the passive recognition of some primordial ordering .
26 Even if the private sector could be persuaded to take on the project , whose estimated costs have now trebled to £3bn , the fare levels needed to make it profitable would make trail travel to Paris through the tunnel barely competitive with the airlines .
27 Even if the tentative identification of the advantages of specialist working for this client group were to be confirmed by more extensive data , it may well be that they could be offset by other features of a generic social work service to the area .
28 In this light , all discourse seems to proceed like a dialogue , even if the other voice is only present as a ghost .
29 Even if the other district had its own system , it was unlikely that there was much communication between the two sets of officials over such matters .
30 This prevents your VHF from transmitting into a frequency that is already occupied , even if the other transmission has started only microseconds before your PTT is pressed .
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