Example sentences of "even [conj] it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 First , because identification with one 's community is morally worthwhile , and acceptance of the authority of the state an appropriate way ( though not the only way ) to express it , one may jump to the conclusion that one has an obligation to accept the authority of the state , or even that it has authority independently of such acceptance .
2 Therefore , we should be very wary indeed of ( e ) and ( f ) types of statements unless we are sure that there is something really negative that has to be exposed and which , even if it hurts people in the process , is nevertheless necessary .
3 In the spring of 1989 David Calcutt , Master of Magdalene College , Cambridge , was asked to lead an inquiry , and , sure enough , fifteen months later came up with proposals which appeared to satisfy both government and proprietors , even if it left victims distinctly underwhelmed .
4 Even if it had maggots and things in it and it was all horrible ? ’
5 That was not going to help him at all , even if it made Humber happier .
6 Her verbal spontaneity ruffled far too many feathers even if it attracted admiration from thousands of radicals and feminists .
7 Most PC software did n't have a Macintosh counterpart and even if it did users had to work the magic of the asynchronous communications link to get data back and forth .
8 It is unlikely to be possible easily or cheaply for the Purchaser to come to its own conclusions as to whether or not these Acts apply even if it has access to the contractual document .
9 There 's life in the old dog yet — even if it has trouble learning new tricks .
10 He says they 're bound by the law and if someone objects , there has to be a public inquiry , even if it costs £50,000 .
11 General Leclerc , as a soldier , was not , at least not to begin with , and believed not only that the reconquest of Tonkin , even in part , was impossible but that a negotiated settlement was essential even if it conceded independence .
12 Even if it means home-buyers paying more for their mortgages ?
13 The trouble is that the French and German governments , swayed by their domestic farming electorates , have been unwilling to accept radical reform of CAP , even if it means access to foreign markets in which the EC is better able to compete .
14 She would stab him to death if he dared bring that hideous hag in here , even if it involved blood spurting over the recently redecorated ceiling .
15 Singing along to them in the middle of the jungle did seem a little odd , but it kept our minds off things , even if it invited torrents of abuse .
16 He remarked that the River Aire , even before it reached Leeds , had received the house drainage of a quarter of a million people , and the refuse from 1,341 cloth and woollen factories , 1 silk mill , 1 flax mill , 10 cotton factories , 7 paper mills , 26 tanneries , 13 chemical works , 8 grease works , 4 glue works and 35 dye works .
17 Even before it took Peter from me , I hated the sea .
18 Ipswich Airport is due to close , and even before it does lack of facilities at the grass airfield are causing problems for European industrialists planning to open plants in the area .
19 As the work of a man who is not only a poet but a Catholic poet , Paradiso is hardly a typical case , but the sheer volume of fiction produced in Spanish America in recent decades — and continues to be produced — scarcely betokens a general collapse of confidence in the written word , and it is noteworthy that Cabrera Infante 's Three Trapped Tigers , for example , re-creates the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary Havana even as it casts doubt on the feasibility of such an enterprise .
20 It 's refreshing , even when it gets way into the twenties ! ’
21 Not surprisingly , the results are not always convincing : lyric poetry , for example is labelled as non-fictional even when it includes references to non-existing objects ( such as blue deer in Georg Trakl 's poems ) , while narrative and nonsense poetry are assigned to the fictional domain .
22 Even when it eschews prescriptivism and presents itself as science , grammar/linguistics remains a branch of patriarchal scholarship which is guilty of perpetuating sexism .
23 But , even though it discouraged optimism and ruled out the possibility of progress , it did not weigh too heavily on medieval historians , particularly because the year 1000 which had been awaited by many with a mixture of hope and trepidation , had passed without any sign of the world coming to an end .
24 Early in April , the European Commission persuaded the Japanese government to cut 1993 car imports by 9.4% from last year , even though it thinks EC demand will fall by only 6.5% .
25 Even though it offers compensation to people who have already bought shops or flats , Albania 's court system , now being rebuilt from scratch after almost 30 years without a justice ministry , will have a hard time sorting out property disputes .
26 THE GOVERNMENT told British firms to go on exporting to Iraq , even though it knew parts were being used to build up Saddam 's war machine .
27 Modestly he described the attack was ‘ second-string ’ , even though it included Ossie Dawson and Tufty Mann .
28 Plysu , the plastics containers and housewares group , was stable at 248p even though it pushed profits ahead last year .
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