Example sentences of "even [conj] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I do this not only because the issues are easier to grasp in the case of perception than in the case of voluntary movement , but also because neurophysiologists of movement are less prone to wild claims than neurophysiologists of perception : most of the former would admit that we do not yet have the faintest idea how voluntary activity is able to utilize or over-ride reflex pathways ; how we mobilize so-called ‘ motor programmes ’ when we need them ; or even where in the nervous system voluntary movement is initiated .
2 He is being buffeted from all corners — a victim of circumstance trapped at the centre of a party more divided even than in the final days of Lady Thatcher .
3 More even than in the free invention of fantasies , or the creation of fictions , the imagination is exercised on the actual and the existent .
4 Methodists , likewise , were being gathered up into what the veteran Congregational leader , J. Guinness Rogers , called ‘ the general intellectual movement of the generation ’ , even if at a slower pace .
5 Even if at a conscious level people think that of course that was a patriarchal age , and we now live in certain respects in a more enlightened age , the metaphors and symbols which are present will be impressed on people 's minds .
6 Even if at the next general election Labour does better than ever before in attracting working-class support , say 80 per cent of the working class , it still would not have a majority of the vote .
7 Whilst the smallest kind of town can only have served as a market point , those with populations exceeding 500 usually provided more extensive services to their localities , and some had developed specialised manufactures even if on a modest scale .
8 For example there is a higher chance of a white woman attaining professional or executive position ( even if on the lower rungs and with less promotion chances than white men ) than a black person of either sex .
9 The SD station at nearby Friedberg noted that people were ‘ convinced that the fall of Stalingrad could take place any day ’ , even if with a presumed heavy toll of German lives .
10 Everyone is well aware that the considered official record is as much a simplification ( even if of a different sort and for different reasons ) as is the news story filed by reporters for press and television — the actors , the reporters , the academic researchers , and , one hopes , the public too .
11 This , however , does not mean that all the shares , even if of the same nominal value and of the same class , will necessarily be issued at the same price , or that , even if they are , all shareholders will necessarily be treated alike as regards calls for the unpaid part .
12 So at the time , as I said , it would have seemed a perfectly conventional piece of work , even if to a later generation , like ours ,
13 It is proposed in the course of this work to use the USA as a main comparison , though other jurisdictions are also considered , even if to a lesser extent .
14 The girls were always willing and always high-caste , even if like the Creole beauty , Solitaire , of Live And Let Die ( 1954 ) they were also half-caste :
15 They were new colonies which were produced by the existing colonies , even if in no friendly spirit , and the possibility that colonies could produce new colonies was likely to make the task of the government in London even harder if it ever tried to impose a unified colonial policy .
16 Even if in the long run ostlers and grooms become garage mechanics and assembly-line workers , this may take some time and the social dislocations could be very severe .
17 She has said nothing of this to me , and as her father I really ought to know , I think , what she , and you , propose to do , even if in the modern fashion you do not choose to ask me for my blessing . ’
18 David Scott was not one of the more successful county politicians , and perhaps his attitude is a little too pure for the real world of eighteenth-century politics , but it represents , even if in an exaggerated form , the general political maxim that the politician performs friendly services for his friends without haggling over a bargain , or even implying that an understanding existed which might suggest that a vote was given for services rendered , or as in this case , for services which might be performed at a future date .
19 ‘ Reverting to the decision at first instance in the Leighton case , the report of the argument shows that the provisions of section 82(1) and ( 2 ) of the Act of 1925 were drawn to the attention of Luxmoore J. We feel no doubt that he would have appreciated that , even in the absence of a successful plea of forgery or non est factum , the section would in terms have conferred a discretion on the court to rectify the charges register , even as against the innocent chargees .
20 The seneschal glanced at it briefly but did not appear excessively worried , even when after a few moments — the scullions running past and round them were all carrying pails of water and sand , fire blankets , cutting gear and stretchers .
21 For instance , an individual may be under the jurisdiction of his own laws even when in a different territory .
22 Jim never escapes the torment of self-doubt , even when in the remote kingdom of Patusan he has given all his energy and his intelligence , as well as his physical courage , to settling internal feuds and establishing prosperity — when , in fact , he has become to his people ‘ Lord Jim ’ .
23 In each case the court held the promise to be binding on the party making it , even though under the old common law it might be difficult to find any consideration for it .
24 She has had hundreds of letters from adults sexually abused as children saying ‘ keep going , that they wished someone had diagnosed it in their childhood and describing the trauma they still suffer as adults even though to the outside world they are perfectly normal , respectable people .
25 Their biomass totals 22.9 kg per ha , 73% of arboreal mammal biomass on Barro Colorado Island and they crop 38 kg leaves per ha per annum ( 40–60% of their diet ) , whereas the howlers take 52.8 kg , reflecting their higher metabolic rates and less ruminant-like digestion : they are therefore less efficient , even though at a lower density and biomass and with a smaller percentage of leaves in their diet .
26 Tiger Watson was wounded ; Donald Roy killing his friend 's attacker , for this was a personal battle of man against man in the shadows , even though at the same time there was the impersonal hammer from machine-guns and 20mm cannons firing from beyond the basin and its locks .
27 The Greeks found this agnostic approach yielded a sense of presence and bliss that transfigured their lives : it gave them the discipline to apprehend a reality infinitely greater than they could conceive , even though at the same time its absence was acutely felt .
28 The difference is subtle , but the difference is fundamental , even though for a hundred years the British managed not to realise it , because they desperately wanted not to .
29 I often wish I could live them over again , even though for the first four years I had to supplement my poor earnings by doing evening jobs . ’
30 ‘ France has her eyes on you , ’ he had told them in his first Order of the Day , and the troops had their eyes on Pétain ; even though for the best part of a week they were not actually to see the new commander in person .
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