Example sentences of "even [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have read my Foucault , I am aware of the conceptual shortcomings of a timeless , essentialist homosexual identity , I might even want to take the step of putting quotations marks around the word ‘ gay ’ — but the man who queerbashed me some years ago did not put quotation marks around his fists .
2 I should think I mean , one of the guys he does the and they do n't even want to do the word .
3 You may even want to produce the sort of book that is popular in America , the police procedural concerned with as many as half a dozen different crimes investigated by as many officers linked to each other only by working out of the same squad room .
4 Post-Freudian forms of sexual difference theory are not only largely ignorant of that pre-sexological , pre-psychoanalytic history ; they even tend to obscure the significance and scope of Freud 's own emphasis on the significance of perversion within sexual difference .
5 It was a sign of his distress that he did n't care what it cost , had n't even looked to see the list of seat prices posted up by the side of the window .
6 The ground was so contaminated that it was too dangerous even to try to remove the soil .
7 She says that she even has to take the duckling to work .
8 Before the court even has to consider the reasonableness of an exclusion clause , the party relying on the clause has to convince the court that the clause is drafted in such a way that it covers the breach in question .
9 Rasping is entirely painless and many horses even appear to enjoy the experience .
10 Some people even appear to like the type ,
11 And who even wants to see the beach on a miserable day like this ? ’
12 He even helped to light the fire .
13 Indeed , he probably even helped to draft the document ’ Britain 's New Deal in Europe ’ .
14 Harry did not even need to ask the questions before Ockleton supplied the answers .
15 If you use forum theatre , or interrogate some still image presentations , you do n't even need to push the desks back .
16 on so in and you do n't even need to notify the Paymaster General or you do n't have to notify anybody employment outside the teaching area altogether .
17 in fact I might not even need to vacuum the floor , need I ? , if I pick that bit of paper up off there
18 He did not even need to cross the pond .
19 We gave more funding to the citizens advice bureaux : the Government even tried to axe the NACAB grant , but had to back down .
20 Such conscientious couples even tried to share the child bearing as far as possible .
21 ‘ In the West we are constantly telling the Third World to save the rain forests — rather hypocritical considering we are not even prepared to replace the tree cover destroyed over the years in Essex . ’
22 Mr Kinnock even refuses to tell the voters whether he will abolish the system by which , he hopes , they will put him in power .
23 ‘ My mother sends you her — her regards , ’ she muttered , for some reason not even wanting to say the word ‘ love ’ .
24 It made no sound , and even seemed to absorb the sounds around it , like a sponge soaking up water .
25 On the surface , de Gaulle even seemed to favour the idea of the EEC as a political unit .
26 In effect , a ‘ conspiracy of silence ’ still surrounds those northern Protestants who at various times and in their different ways condemned the landlord system , called for a wider franchise , disapproved of religious bigotry , or even sought to break the connection with Britain .
27 Where this is the case , the full opposite rudder may not even appear to change the spin , and the spin will continue until the movement forward is sufficient .
28 the boy joined a Communist youth group , became more masculine and energetic , and participated in protest marches and picketing and even dared to wear the party button in school .
29 But not until he was 25 ( and he 's now 51 ) did Bob even dare to tread the boards .
30 But not until he was 25 ( and he 's now 51 ) did Bob even dare to tread the boards .
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