Example sentences of "er how did [pron] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And so how did you er how did you manage how did the family ?
2 Er how did you manage living in such a small house ?
3 Er how did you manage to get two sides of that so perfectly straight ?
4 Er how did you go about getting the job ?
5 which we need to be and once we get into the rhythm I 'm sure it 'll all be a lot easier but you seem to have a calmness about your how you speak which is good and you know I 'm sure I 'll go to pieces but erm yeah it was just , and what I 've picked up on as you say where it 's er how did you come to Friends Provident bum de bum de bum , we 're going through erm a structured erm spiel if you like and then they 're saying well I do n't really wan na give you any you know , recommendations at this moment and erm what we should do there is , is I suppose apack that is n't it ?
6 and it 's the main reason er that it 's been brought about so that we can look after the clients that we have er cos in the past tt erm er how did you come to get the business that you have with us ?
7 Erm you seemed to go straight from sort of the , the sociability side into , into a statement of purpose erm and then went back to er how did you come to do business with Friends Provident .
8 Er how did you get the job at first ?
9 Er how did you know about it ?
10 Er how did you know ?
11 How did you er how did you know about the football ?
12 Er how did you find them as workers e in given that there were n't many women at that time er in
13 Er how did he expect the poor the people to live and pay mortgage and er , you know all this and that on dole money !
14 Er how did she get it on there ?
15 How , how did it work out on the champion of champions night with having the the table show , the full table show that we cancelled when Danny came er how did it work er did it work out comfortably ?
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