Example sentences of "er [prep] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Is it your wish that er about the same price for a table
2 And it seems to me , one should n't reject er , Totem and Taboo er for the same reason .
3 We know that the Trojan War , you know erm , what 's described in the Iliad and the Odyssey to the kiddies and er all these Greek and Greek heroes , we know that war actually happened , but it happened an awful long time before these poems were written and er Freud 's view is that what happens in a culture is there 's some initial traumatic event like the French Revolution or Trojan War , there 's a period of latency during which it seems to be forgotten about and nothing very much happens anyway , and then at a later stage it comes back again , there 's a return of a repressed and er Freud erm Freud quotes one or two other examples , er of the same kind of thing and Mike 's example is a very good one albeit er perhaps it 's good because it 's so recent , so the point you 're making Mike is that are you saying that Freud 's analogy is , is credible where French history and even industrial relations is concerned that there was a trauma , the Revolution of seventeen eighty nine , there were latency periods and then this kept coming back from the repressed time and time again ?
4 this is erm , this is going to be exhibited here on the twenty third of July , ok , erm , two , two of Gaugin 's pictures , this is one of them , and several other artists er of the same period , and I think this is going to be the only venue in , in England , I do n't think there coming , sort of worth seeing , but unfortunately I shall miss it cos I 'm , I wo n't be here , erm this is a poster of
5 Within that report he tells us erm , the rather startling disturbance story , that in fact it almost suggests , has been suggested the revolution has n't happened because the situation has continued as before with a different name but basically with the same er with the same kind of programme intact .
6 Basically the full time I was in basic training and when I went to the Regimental the Royal Highl Fusiliers Regiment the first battalion , I was physically beaten and mentally tortured er into the same bargain .
7 Mr you see various people are giving evidence , and Mr wants to ask the right person , certain questions , namely the person who er devised those words and er you are er somebody in a very important position er and er he 's trying to get it from you , and as he 's pointed out to you a company ca n't sit down and produce in some corporate way a phrase someone or two human beings or more have got to do it and he wants to know if you can help us er who , who that was , that 's , that 's all you see , he does n't want to ask you about it , no doubt er , er in the same way as he 'd want to ask a person that actually devised a word , d' ya see ?
8 So what they had done it had a big slab there and it had got on it er The World 's Largest Slate Mine , and perhaps you 've seen it yourself they 've rubbed the T off and they put V and somebody 's done a very good job of it er in the same paint and everything .
9 Er well er the reason is I believe that I think you mentioned earlier that Chris is er in the same line of trade as you
10 Such as the attack which they mounted from the countryside of the city of Chang Sha which is also in this er in the same sort of area where the old er where the Communist Party had had its main strength .
11 Are any of your colleagues that you play er squash with or tennis with er in the same boat in terms of self employment
12 London , east London , East Ham actually I was brought up till I was about seven er in the same area , but erm in a place called Beckton
13 Er at the same time I 'm looking for the chemistry er the feel for those people , er the quality of those people and whether I could work with them and whether they could work with me .
14 Suffice as it 's to say that the negotiations did provide for extra seats for Germany in account of the additional population that accrued to Germany from the reunification of East and West Germany and er er at the same time the opportunity was taken to allot some extra seats to some other countries er which erm bore in mind er more closely than before , the respective differences in population sizes of the various countries that make up the community , er the two special committees that I referred to Mr Deputy Speaker , were set up in July nineteen ninety three .
15 But er at the same time the further I go on , the more apprehensive I get about it .
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