Example sentences of "between [pers pn] and [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After paying a driver and guard approximately £100 per day between them and 500 gallons of highly rebated gas oil ( for the locomotive ) , surely British Rail could be much more competitive .
2 Communications between them and Rough Trade came to a standstill as they prepared to undertake a short Scottish tour , and from this odd situation a strange story came to light .
3 The European Commission 's MEDIA programme 's main thrust is to enhance the strength of the national audio visual industries to member states by encouraging greater collaboration between them and wider distribution of their products .
4 Both countries had been over-producing against their OPEC quotas for some time , helping depress prices gradually and giving rise to familiar bouts of recrimination between them and other member states with higher absorptive capacities for revenues .
5 In fact , blood revenge and warfare are more intense between the constituent subgroupings than they are between them and other groups .
6 National Certificate courses can be taken in FE colleges , central institutions or secondary schools , and students can transfer between these institutions , or between them and other forms of training .
7 That this Conference , while recording its desire to see working men in Parliament on the Unionist side , thinks it undesirable that any distinction should be made between them and other members , and therefore expresses the opinion that all Unionist organizations should select and support with all their power the best candidate they can find to represent their constituency , irrespective of his social and financial status .
8 They are always made aware of their temporary status on being recruited , but sometimes the only other difference between them and other members of the workforce is that the trade unions within the organisation have consented in advance not to contest the employer 's right to dismiss them once he feels he no longer has any work for them .
9 The Manchus had been full citizens with diplomatic privileges for more than thirty years now , but there still existed between them and other humans a coldness which could not be explained simply by xenophobia .
10 Descriptors are normally accompanied by some display of relationships between them and other words in the indexing language .
11 The function of a written constitution would be to set down the laws and conventions relating to the main institutions of the state , the relations among them , and between them and private citizens .
12 Tomorrow former Oxford player John Aldridge could stand between them and another victory .
13 This was a result of the new Burnham system of teacher payment , which signally raised the pay of junior school teachers but also abolished some of the differential between them and secondary school teachers , and , in some cases , actually cut the latter group 's pay .
14 Investigations of such women frequently take the form of qualitative accounts , in their own words or in those of the psychologist , as if the distance between them and scientific psychology is so enormous that the discipline 's true methods must be abandoned for preliminary , descriptive procedures .
15 The impact of increased competition between building societies and banks has been blamed as a major determinant of the observed change in relationships among the various monetary aggregates , and between them and nominal incomes .
16 Although most agency workers are taxed and pay social security contributions as if they were dependent employees , and most think of themselves as an employee of the agency for which they work , the relationship between them and these agencies has been deemed not to be one of employment .
17 The practical implication of the analysis presented here is that the main determinants of the poverty of older women and the inequalities between them and older men have already been established long before retirement age .
18 The difference though between you and Imperial Tobacco was that the Trustees went into the Courts did n't they ?
19 Just in ease you were thinking that there was nevertheless a basic difference between you and that bacterium ( not to mention the cat ) , there are two types of important complicated molecules shared by all of our planet 's lifeforms : nucleic acids and proteins .
20 And when they were inside she said in a different voice , ‘ What is going on between you and that girl ? ’
21 Legally , you do not have to maintain 500 ft between you and the sea ; but you do have to keep that distance between you and any vessel on the sea .
22 Somehow you must organize a buffer between you and any mail delivery system .
23 ‘ I overheard various conversations between her and other CIA people . ’
24 But she had linked arms with Len because she was so glad that he was next to her , between her and that boy who had looked at her as if , well as if she was indecently dressed or something .
25 Her leaving was officially put down to ‘ exhaustion ’ , but there were hints of a rift between her and 55-year-old Verity .
26 Not even a highly-publicised- and subsequently denied-exchange between her and jealous rival Wendy James of the band Transvision Vamp — Wendy : ‘ I do n't know how they vote for that Aussie Bimbo , she sounds like my dog . ’
27 On top of this , rumours about the ‘ Dianagate ’ scandal of the bugged phone calls between her and old friend James Gilbey were rife .
28 In particular , they erected a physical barrier between her and lesser mortals — the men in suits who were all around her , in Parliament , in Whitehall and in the media .
29 Something was happening between her and this man that she did n't understand .
30 There was something concrete between her and this man , and with the knowledge fear flared inside her , biting , complex fear .
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