Example sentences of "our way [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As we enter the Age of The Goat and the Treefrog , Turhan Bey will guide our way towards the ultimate transcendence . ’
2 We were down to Halflight , sliding through the tangle of the Lagoon Nebula interlink , making our way towards the secondary GalacNet lines that would get us to the sector containing the Ixyphal system .
3 The man shambled off into the house , and the rest of us picked our way across the front garden .
4 We made our way across the first four barges .
5 We picked our way across the broken mountain heights .
6 Towards the end of that summer we had worked our way up the Irish Sea visiting most of the west coasts ports including Fishguard , Holyhead , Liverpool , Heysham , Workington , and a host of smaller estuaries such as the Dee , Menai Straits , and the very tidal Preston river .
7 After twisting our way up the long trail we finally reached the North Rim just after midday , feeling like redeemed souls struggling out of a magnificent inferno .
8 Richard Chambers , a fine caver who had helped me photograph the Yordas Cave main chamber , Jeff Clegg and Matt Kirby of the Earby Mines Research Group and myself left the road near Gunnerside Lodge and clanked our way up the old miners ' path along the west side of Gunnerside Gill one damp late September evening .
9 We slowly sweated our way up the steep mountainside on wet , slippery grass which gave way to wetter , slippier rocks looming vertically out of the swirling mist .
10 It took us eight very wet and almost windless days to inch our way up the ninety miles of the Bouton Straits before we could turn eastwards into the Banda Sea .
11 We had cycled on the road from Bodø to Fauske and on the Sulitjelma ; pushed the bikes over to Sorjusjaure ; ridden and swum our way to Staloluokta within the Padjelanta National Park ; and then thrashed our way on the faster tracks through Arasluokuoktastugorna , Låddejåkkåstugana and Kisurisstugan to Akkastugorna and a ferry to Ritjemokk , before cycling by road to Vietas ; and gone by plane to Sitastugan at the north-west end of Sitasjaure .
12 But later , as we picked our way along the narrow mountain spine down towards Aberfan , I found the Discovery more reassuring again — its flexibility , its smoothness , its stability , all signs of its good breeding .
13 Mercifully darkness obscured the dripping , gale-lashed countryside as we bumped our way down the unsurfaced track which led from the main road to Number Five , our new home .
14 So let's start with the first mouthful and work our way down the whole digestive tract , to explain fully the marvellous benefits of this new slimming method .
15 But really it was the buzzards and the kestrels circling overhead that caught my eye as we made our way down the coastal path .
16 Hugging the bank we laboriously rowed and poled our way past the endless stone quays of riverside hotels and the flanks of cruise ships .
17 We would make our way past The Three Crowns Inn where people sat on forms by wooden tables to enjoy a summer 's evening drink .
18 Hebrews 2 contains a fascinating idea that Jesus had to be made human in order to overcome death for us ; that is to say , he pioneered our way through the deep waters of death .
19 He blew his nose and gave his behind a scratch as we picked our way through the lush undergrowth .
20 These have included meals out ( we are working our way through the international cuisine ) , theatre visits ( in both Leeds and Bradford ) , sporting events ( dry slope skiing last month ) , talks ( something we would like to develop more ) , and walks ( both long and short ) .
21 we might work our way through the local attractions
22 We climbed down the notched-pole ladder and picked our way through the muddy ground towards the back path , passing the neatly stacked woodpile and the growing heap of freshly gathered pine-needles .
23 We wound our way through the cobbled streets of Leicester past the great , four-storeyed houses of the merchants , jutting out above us , and into the Newarks .
24 We forced our way through the bustling market which was packed from one end to the other with stalls , carts , horses and people of every station ; the poor in their rags , the rich in their costly silks .
25 Boldly we made our way through the incredible promiscuity of the streets : men with shoes made out of silver-birch bark , women wearing sacks and carpets , children in their dusty birthday suits .
26 As we have stood enraptured on the mountain peaks , threaded our way through the bosky dells and trod for many a mile the vast moorlands , we have often felt it to be indeed a land of glory and beauty . ’
27 Never once did we stop even in Templecombe village but made our way through the sleepy hamlet , the houses on either side all boarded up , the only sign of life being columns of smoke and the occasional villager foraging on the outskirts for fire-wood .
28 As he declaimed we were weaving our way through the late-afternoon shoppers who thronged the centre of the town .
29 As we tunnelled our way through the steep rhododendron-canopied paths at Aros , Alistair said the rain , the humidity and the terrain reminded him of his ‘ spell in Assam during the War .
30 We 'll work our way through the whole fuckin' audience , shaft every man-jack of them ’ .
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