Example sentences of "those who [vb base] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has to be emphasized that , for those who support the Mobilizing Ideal , these authoritarian features of British governments ' attitudes and behaviour towards the media are not defects but virtues .
2 On the other hand , those who support the efficient market theory ( EMT ) have made substantial cases for the irrelevance of dividends .
3 Those who support the cultural deprivation theory tend to believe that education can play a large part in remedying social inequality , while Marxists believe that education is an essential part of the process of reproducing inequality .
4 So , those who support the Public Service Ideal advocate specific mechanisms designed to ensure that political coverage is wide-ranging , balanced , and impartial , as well as being independent of the state .
5 Those who support the Public Service Ideal could accept the combination of a polyarchic press putting forward a multitude of rival viewpoints and an impartial , balanced broadcasting monopoly .
6 Such offences attack the principle of freedom of choice in sexual matters , and this , together with the punishment of those who exploit the young , the mentally handicapped , and those for whom they have responsibility , should form the bedrock of the scheme of offences .
7 One policy , already mentioned , which should continue to shape the law of sexual offences is the criminalization of those who exploit the young and vulnerable .
8 The influential are those who get the most of what there is to get …
9 Those who get the most are elite , the rest are mass ’ ( 1936 , p. 13 ) .
10 This attitude to non-verbal communication has been encouraged by the popularisation of right-brain left-brain studies and amongst those who sponsor the soft primitivism that I have just referred to it is widely assumed that the verbal capabilities of the left cerebral hemisphere have been over-developed by a culture which puts too much emphasis on linguistic finesse and that the expressive repertoire of the supposedly holistic right hemisphere has been dangerously neglected as a consequence .
11 The objective at every stage of lobbying is to provide comments and reactions to those who influence the legislative process .
12 The truest Friends of The Earth are those who fight the natural Foes of The Earth .
13 Those who take the former view claim :
14 Those who secure the fewest votes in each successive count are eliminated , and votes originally given to them are transferred as in a full-scale STV election .
15 However those who survive the first year perform at least as well as traditional students and in some cases slightly better .
16 Very few of those who write the terrible tabloids , let alone those who read them , are likely to have heard of these ‘ internationally famous ’ sportsmen , so I doubt if they 'd make half of £1,500 even for such tales as Flanker Star Ate My Goolie During Scrum , by England 's Ugliest Prop ; or Sexy Secrets in the Showers , by Welsh Tea Lady .
17 Very few of those who write the terrible tabloids , let alone those who read them , are likely to have heard of these ‘ internationally famous ’ sportsmen , so I doubt if they 'd make half of £1,500 even for such tales as Flanker Star Ate My Goolie During Scrum , by England 's Ugliest Prop ; or Sexy Secrets in the Showers , by Welsh Tea Lady .
18 Rentokil offers a helping hand for those who make the right choice — it 's even got green fingers on it .
19 Those who make the most of their new image in a positive and welcoming way will feel good and look good too .
20 The dominant characteristic of political decision-making when compared with market mechanisms is not that those who benefit from public expenditure are those who make the most noise politically .
21 In the following year , Maurice Peston told a committee of the House of Commons that ‘ those who doubt the innovatory possibilities of British education and the capacity of the DES and the LEAs to help things forward should study the CNAA and the polytechnics over the past decade .
22 Indeed , Terence Hawkes has defined and defended what he calls ‘ paperback research ’ as a proper activity for those who lack the scholarly resources of the ancient universities .
23 Grave threats are posed to our civilization by those who preach the pernicious gospel that inequality is neither right nor inevitable .
24 For those who prefer the familiar punchcard machine , there have also been plenty of advances and now we report on the latest of them , the Brother KH864 .
25 Nor , however , is it to be submitted to the terrorism or plain language , that mythical weapon or those who prefer the comforting repetition or the ideological caress ; who do not want to READ .
26 The most elementary division is between those who concentrate on the representative function of a councillor by looking after the interests of individual constituents and those who prefer the managerial function of determining policy and ensuring its implementation .
27 Those who prefer the second view are , however , in this difficulty : that it was the Movement itself that took the decision to reduce its ambitions to the more narrowly ameliorative and unobjectionable .
28 There must surely be an end to the crazy system which pays most to those who drive the furthest , in the biggest cars .
29 Prizes will be awarded for those who raise the most money .
30 After all , it may be in the interests of some people , especially those who introduce the new technology , not to admit to the existence of the real forces that shape the direction of technical change .
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