Example sentences of "those who [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 With Romania seething next door , Mr Luchinsky will have his work cut out to capture the spirit of Stefan the Great from those who present themselves as his heirs .
32 Opinion over Dixon 's handling of the riots was divided between those who criticized her for showing too much restraint towards law-breakers , and those who cited her cautious approach as instrumental in calming the disturbances .
33 While the pop princess ' disappointment at finding a wedding ring firmly on his finger seemed real enough to viewers ( and is confirmed by those who witnessed it at first hand ) , Banderas likes to believe it was all an act for the cameras .
34 ‘ Those who sent you here , those who sent you on your mission against the people of the Soviet Union , they are from your past .
35 In the second camp are those who regard him as a true philosopher , however provocative his manner , who is restating traditional philosophical problems in a new way .
36 A particularly important division is between those who regard sexist language as a symptom and those who regard it as a cause .
37 And then there are those who regard it with suspicion and distaste , forecasting all kinds of problems and very few results .
38 Tait and Stewart sought to show not the truth of Christianity , but its compatibility with modern science , and the narrowness of those who contented themselves with what they called ‘ how ’ questions and never with ‘ why ’ .
39 The operations staff include those who set it up , those who control it during operations , those who maintain it , and eventually those who have to dismantle it .
40 Gerald Kaufman is another who will hesitate to play the sporting card , although there are those who remember him as a midfield dynamo , eternally squabbling with the referee and being booked for ‘ violence of the tongue ’ , an offence which he is said to have invented .
41 Football has been transformed for most of those who follow it from a Saturday afternoon activity in all weathers to a Saturday night home entertainment .
42 How do they feel towards those who consigned them to what could have been a violent and horrific death ?
43 For those who sell themselves into a like dominion , paying down the price of their own honour , and throwing their soul into the balance to sink the scale to the level of their lusts , must win deliverance hardly .
44 Those who thought him in error became the co-traitors of his personal mythology , the Bloomsbury ‘ mice ’ , who would be ‘ cleaned up ’ by the truncheons and boots of the new heroes , once the Fascist revolution had been accomplished in England .
45 But those who trap themselves inside nationalist thinking , which includes most political journalists and politicians in the UK , prefer not to reckon with the historical fact that most of recorded human history managed fairly well , indeed probably much better , without nationalism .
46 His limited experience of the nature of modern warfare convinced him that those who sacrificed themselves for their country should not die in vain .
47 He even implies that those who sacrificed themselves in the Second World War are in danger of being betrayed .
48 At Dorchester on 20 October 1714 , the day of George 's coronation , it was the decision of the Dissenters to burn an effigy of the Pretender that provoked the wrath of the Jacobites , who armed with clubs proceeded to set about " those who carried him about the Town …
49 He rose from the ridiculous chair and made his way carefully down the crowded row , responding politely to those who greeted him by name , noting with carefully repressed surprise that two of the women who gave him private little smiles were seated next to each other , friends who had no idea they had something more than friendship in common .
50 Those who receive them in an already altered form may impose a further change in their identity and meaning .
51 ‘ There is no dispute about the land unless a claim is made … compensation for those who claim it for their land and receive it from the authorities is calculated according to the value of the property in 1973 plus the difference in the index of inflation together with four per cent interest . ’
52 Once again it has been left to a recession to catch out those who overstretched themselves in the boom years .
53 On average , the people who are most likely to opt for health insurance are those who know themselves to be relatively unhealthy .
54 I am grateful for the hon. Gentleman 's support for Mr. Norman Warner , whose appointment will be widely welcomed by those who know him as an independent-minded and good man .
55 For those who know nothing of the quick-step , the shake or the twist , there is a late night disco .
56 Those who know something of the Edinburgh area will find the account fascinating .
57 Those who know anything about art are in a small minority ; those who represent the most local of local interests , the majority .
58 Those who know anything about the way in which universities and polytechnics work know that they are businesses and not merely halls of residence .
59 This is a familiar point to those who know anything of Freudian theory .
60 Those who use them in this way thereby manifest their own acceptance of them as guiding rules and with this attitude there goes a characteristic vocabulary different from the natural expressions of the external point of view .
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