Example sentences of "those that [be] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Because we have two original builders of pianos , we also divide our pianos into two classes : those that are made in the style of Walter and those made in the style of Streicher .
2 Relatively few and compared those that are going in the end going to another year
3 Erm with without a new settlement erm that that was indeed the the impression that erm I was left with as well , and what what we 've sought to do in in the evidence that we 've we 've put before you is to take the nine seven , nine thousand seven hundred figure in Greater York , and and er s based on the data supplied by the County Council to demonstrate that that actually when one looks at outstanding commitments erm with planning permission , identified the sites er without planning permission , those those that are allocated in local plans , making suitable allowances for small sites erm windfall sites and conversion , erm the the residual figure that is left in Greater York , which I calculate to be eight thousand six hundred and thirty seven , once one has taken away completions , which I think is an agreed figure between nineteen ninety one and nineteen ninety three of one thousand and sixty three , that erm , those existing commitments , and the sites likely to come forward , ma virtually match the figure for the outstanding housing requirement , so so one is left with a view that erm from from the data that 's put in front of us that there is n't a residue of that size to accommodate , although I accept that there may well be a residue of some sort , erm and it seems to me that the established Greater York erm framework , er is is the process by which that is distributed around the counties along the lines that the discussion 's proceeded this morning .
4 Many of the skills we acquire on the most mundane level are exactly the same as those that are needed in any high-powered job — the ability to manage people , to organize schedules , make the most of limited resources , to keep calm in a crisis , and to encourage those dependent upon us .
5 Among those that were formed in the 1930s were Port Talbot and Bedford , while some long-established ones acquired new premises .
6 Yes you were going to try and wash some of those that were stained in something strong .
7 While the rate of management buyouts has slowed down with the recession those that were launched in Scotland had a good record of being completed .
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