Example sentences of "those [pron] work [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In theory , those who worked on the farms were capable of supporting themselves .
2 Large areas of the South and West remained untouched by the growth of the manufacturing industries , and in spite of the stimulating effect of the Napoleonic Wars upon certain sections of the economy , most of those who worked on the land steadily became poorer .
3 We wish those who worked on the interim advisory committee well and we look forward to the next phase in the determination of teachers ' pay which is the work of the pay review body under the chairmanship of Sir Graham Day .
4 It is a sentiment shared by many — and especially those who worked at the once-thriving Basingstoke office , now destined for the annals of feed industry history .
5 Certainly those who worked in the Cages he did not wish to like at all , but among the people who came by the Cages were some who came regularly , day after day , and they seemed all right to him .
6 Observation of the range of products being made in the late 1980s by Nairobi 's jua kali artisans — those who work under the ‘ hot sun ’ — confirm that Mutang'ang'i 's story is far from unique .
7 Ulph emphasizes the need to consider different groups in the labour force separately e.g. those who work at the tax threshold ( mainly part-time married women ) and the currently unemployed — so that their particular incentives can be analysed .
8 This study sets out to examine , albeit in a preliminary way , just how the rapid changes in the Scottish agricultural industry in the post-war years have affected those who work on the land .
9 For those who work outside the home , out of many choices , it was their ‘ relationship with colleagues ’ that gives them the most satisfaction ( 80% ) , with flexibility of working hours ( 68% ) and pay ( 60% ) trailing behind .
10 She admires wealth-creators , entrepreneurs , and people who have taken a chance in the market rather than those who work in the public sector .
11 More modestly , and yet in many ways more significantly , it derives from the practical challenge of implementing the reforms outlined in the NHS White Paper , and the failure to convince those who work in the health service of the need for change .
12 The failure of ministers to persuade many of those who work in the NHS of the need for reform thus emerges as the key factor shaping the pace of implementation .
13 Another change of direction — rather than building and extending what has been been achieved during the past few years — could lead to yet another thoroughly dispiriting time for patients , and for those who work in the NHS .
14 No one questions the dedication of those who work in the NHS .
15 Another conclusion that can be drawn from this table is that , apart from the southern cone countries , those who work in the modern sector of the economy comprise a minority of the population .
16 Those who work in the formal sector are partly protected by the continued existence of a minimum wage requirement , but for the majority of those in the informal sector or in peasant agriculture , there is no such security .
17 That means little or no Pay Rises for those who work in the Public Sector .
18 However , it is time to focus upon important issues which are centre stage for those who work in the formal sector .
19 This has traditionally given lower role status to those who work in the field , but has also made their language learning goal an educational and care one .
20 To some extent this has united those who work in the schools .
21 There is a tendency for those who work in the industry to regard the acquisition of such documents as a legal requirement which , once achieved , represents an end in itself — the attainment of a necessary objective .
22 The propositions that this book addresses are that research is an important ingredient in the formation and implementation of effective policies and good practice in child care ; and that those who work in the child care services can not only incorporate research into their general experience , knowledge and skill but also contribute to it through their own careful observation and recording .
23 There have been attempts to classify broad ‘ occupational training families ’ , and an emphasis on ‘ multi-skilling ’ , particularly for those who work in the service sector .
24 Not surprisingly , bitter campaigns have been mounted against the cuts and closures they have resulted in , by those who work in the services and those whose needs they seek to serve .
25 The changes that are being introduced are all designed to enable those who work in the NHS to give you even better care .
26 It seems that the Secretary of State will seek to safeguard the existing pension rights of those who work in the subsidiaries by looking closely at the buy-out proposals and that he will not favour any buy-out proposal which does not give some future security of pension rights to the workers who will be affected .
27 The people who suffer if they are broken are not the owners , the shareholders or the board of directors , but those who work in the industry — people who have given their lives to that industry , built up the companies ' assets and made them into going concerns attractive for privatisation .
28 One , the general public , can really only be reached by direct advertising in the media — the other , the ‘ gate-keepers , ’ those who work in the social field and in advice agencies , need to be approached much more selectively .
29 It is a fairly cynical thesis but one that is not without its merits , as those who work in the public sector might testify .
30 Lack of promotional opportunities in all Banks has been a most serious development in recent times for those who work in the Industry .
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