Example sentences of "those [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 My father taught me that there is only one thing more boring in life than listening to other people 's dreams and that is listening to stories about their operations ; and I only tell mine now because those I had during the early 1980s are as good an example as any of how modern medicine has helped to prolong life ; without them it is unlikely that I would be sitting here writing this .
2 The above provisions are those which apply in the normal case .
3 Only the public expenditure costs have been counted , not those which fall within the private , domestic domain ( Rimmer , 1983 ; Parker , 1990a ) .
4 Broadly speaking there are two main types : those which diverge from the coast at a marked angle and those which run approximately parallel to the trend of the coast .
5 Most of their policies were also new , and the differences between the two successive Labour Councils were probably greater than those which existed between the previous Labour Council and their Conservative opposition prior to 1982 .
6 It should also be pointed out that the Crown , in the shape of the Ministry of Defence , has said that no objection would be raised to Dr. Hayes giving evidence in strictly controlled circumstances similar to those which applied in the case of evidence furnished by Mr. Feraday in accordance with an agreement dated 22 August 1991 exhibited to an affidavit of Mr. David Brummell dated 13 April 1992 .
7 It is possible to add several other arguments to the list of those which focus upon the realisation of group ( a ) ( on page 16 ) National Curriculum aims .
8 Prevalent winds are those which blow with the greatest frequency at any place .
9 This starts to unravel the blue book , hopefully , and identifies those which refer to the quality , whi which are quality procedures , and those which are the other procedures .
10 Among the more common methods are those which depend on the colligative properties of dilute solutions .
11 There are those which relate to the craft of classroom management and the use of routine procedures for organizing class activity , the tricks of the pedagogic trade .
12 I have found it helpful to categorise these into two areas — those which relate to the nature of mathematics and those which relate to the nature of mathematics education .
13 I have found it helpful to categorise these into two areas — those which relate to the nature of mathematics and those which relate to the nature of mathematics education .
14 Policy H two and the matters which are outstanding from our discussion yesterday are those which relate to the criteria and also the question of whether the policy should include specific guidance on the location of the new settlement .
15 The street was one of those which led into the souk and its lower end was completely blocked by stalls .
16 His theory required him to specify a reason why the human branch of the evolutionary tree had advanced so much further than those which led to the living apes .
17 The legislation aimed to prevent conflicts between the President and the government such as those which led to the dismissal in June of the short-lived government of Jan Olszewski in June [ see pp. 38972-73 ; 39016 ] .
18 The legislation aimed to prevent conflicts between the President and the government such as those which led to the dismissal in June of the short-lived government of Jan Olszewski in June [ see pp. 38972-73 ; 39016 ] .
19 The safety breaches were similar to those which led to the Chernobyl accident in 1986 .
20 Even in 1987 the brand new ship was suffering smells similar to those which led to the deaths of Katherine and James Tomlins .
21 Here , as with academic freedom for teaching staff , we should distinguish between freedoms which derive from civil rights and those which derive from the character of academic life .
22 The provisions relating to Economic and Monetary Union take the form of amendments to the EEC Treaty and therefore form an integral part of Community law ( even if one might have doubts as to the likelihood of the factual events which would trigger the final stage ) ; on the other hand , in the context of the provisions relating to political Union , a distinction was made between those matters which constituted amendments to the existing Community treaties , and those which fell outside the scope of the Communities , notably the provisions on a Common foreign and Security policy and those on co-operation in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs .
23 Though all planning applications were made , in the first instance , to the district , those which fell within the category of ‘ county ’ matters were determined by the county council .
24 Because the induction of LTP by tetanic stimulation is prevented by a variety of NMDA antagonists , including those which act at the receptor ( such as 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate ( AP5 ) ) , in the channel ( for example , MK-801 ( ref. 25 ) ) and at the allosteric glycine site ( for example , 7-chlorokynurenic acid ) , it is clear that activation of these receptors is an essential trigger for the process .
25 Of these 30 dismissals those which came before the Industrial Tribunal in this case were found to be unfair .
26 Arising from this it is held that if we are to have forms of science and technology which will be human-enhancing and liberating , make products that are ecologically desirable , conserve energy and materials in the long term , and help human beings rather than maim them , then we will require forms of science and technology which differ radically from those which predominate at the moment .
27 Drugs : Both medically prescribed drugs and those which come under the general heading of ‘ non-medical substances ’ can cause impairment of mental faculties .
28 ‘ Every idea which is held in the mind takes its origin from the senses … [ it ] either comes through the senses , or is formed from those which come through the senses . ’
29 We can also speculate that at least some ‘ non-negotiable ’ transfers are brought off more rapidly than those which go through the lugubrious procedures maintained by various State bodies and foreign trade organisations .
30 The annual product includes those portions of the social product which replace capital , namely social reproduction , as well as those which go to the consumption fund , those which are consumed by labourers and capitalists , hence both productive and individual consumption .
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