Example sentences of "many of [pron] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 W.H. Smith owed no small part of his fortune to the stalls he had placed on every station platform , many of which not only offered a full range of books and papers but operated lending libraries .
2 When the Minister next talks to the local authorities about this issue , will he point out that many of them no longer give rehousing priority to ex-service personnel , but expect them to go through the normal homeless families procedures ?
3 Many of these were prisoners of war or internees and er we 're very happy to report that these got home after the war and we have many of them here today that were prisoners of war .
4 The long occupation of northern France by the Lancastrian kings could never have been carried out without the active participation of men , many of them not yet noble , performing the tasks of their captains who , as noblemen with lands in England , had to return every so often to their estates to see to their upkeep .
5 She knew , from reading and from subjection to the media , that she was not alone in her distress : the world was full of nutty housewives , many of them probably just round the corner , since she lived in a district famed countrywide for feminism and madness .
6 Similar constraints , many of them much more obvious , are routinely specified for most phonological variables ; for example / r/ is variably deleted in many dialects only pre-consonantally and word-finally .
7 Do n't get many of them any more .
8 Many of them so often quite rightly describe what has happened to them as a deep wound resulting from the blow they have received .
9 To the uninitiated it might seem that the shunters are engaged in a game of hide-and-seek with the trucks ; they appear to scatter them all over the yard , as if their object were to separate many of them as completely as possible .
10 In terms of land , the early Merovingian kings were probably well endowed with estates and palaces , many of them perhaps originally part of the imperial fisc .
11 Cleaned up for her inspection she supposed and even then many of them very far from tidy .
12 No one has yet made full use of the massive archival material available , which includes not just the twenty-nine volumes of Keynes ' published Collected Writings , but also a great quantity of unpublished personal and economic papers , many of them only recently available for inspection .
13 Afraid Julius might be coming after her , she ran down the steps and into the garden , following the paths that led between wide beds of herbaceous flowers , many of them still blooming happily in the warmth of the long , sunny autumn .
14 The festival village encircled the Rante , or " sacred place " — which was a smaller circle of some forty ancient stone megaliths , many of them still upright and very much resembling a Druidical circle of Celtic Europe .
15 But there are many of you here also because this is start of the evening services for the winter .
16 Most of our brewing equipment has not aged nearly as well as many of you here tonight and so it is being replaced .
17 How many people of the , how many of you here today , could actually pay for your home out of your income , if you waited until you have sufficient income to pay for your home in its entirety , the bulk of the people in this room , even though there are , yes , some rich farmers , still could n't afford to have a home .
18 I mean how many of you out there actually get pleasure from the deaths that occurred ? ? ?
19 Nigel and Rosamund Starmer-Smith 's tragic loss of their daughter , Charlotte , has clearly affected many of you as deeply as it has us .
20 But I would much rather find Mason puzzling than feel , as I do only too often , that I know all too well what so many of his more consistently praised contemporaries are on about , in music that routinely tells me nothing I did n't know already , or would indeed prefer never to hear again .
21 Well there 's so many of 'em about really
22 With the recent review of the Carlton combo it seems to many of us out here that you 've started to wake up .
23 ‘ There 's so many of us out there and we 're getting a lot of exposure , but we 're not moving .
24 Many of us still incorrectly believe that a well-balanced diet should include only small amounts of bread because it is fattening .
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