Example sentences of "many [noun pl] were [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Many authorities were making a conscious effort to expand the social group from which their secondary pupils were drawn .
2 Many Glaswegians were to join the International Brigade within a few years , Scots like James Robertson Justice , pointing rifles upwards at the Heinkel 111 and Junkers 52 of Adolf Hitler 's Luftwaffe .
3 Leaders of the COS argued that many charities were encouraging the ‘ demoralization ’ of the poor by handing out benefits in cash and kind too readily and with no attempt to ensure long-term improvement in the client 's condition .
4 Prizewinners and their families , teachers , sponsors , CIT Section Chairman and many guests were given an inspirational address by Sir James Duncan , Chairman TDG , one of the sponsors , and a Past President of the Institute , at a celebratory lunch at the Inn on the Park in London in June .
5 By the time that he announced his decision , many Europeans were reaching the conclusion that Britain 's terms for joining the Market were unacceptable .
6 What a pipe dream , we thought , as many children were getting no education at all .
7 When one considers that the official State Academy of Arts did not allow women to study there until 1919 , one can imagine how many women were given the chance of becoming professional artists by the mere existence of this institution which attracted tutors of the calibre of Karl Stauffer-Bern , who taught Kathe Kollwitz .
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