Example sentences of "many [prep] [pron] will [be] " in BNC.

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1 Laing points out that this approach generates a lot of ideas , many of which will be worthless , as happens in a brainstorming session .
2 There 's a choice of 32 family hotels , many of which will be operating a Kids Club for youngsters aged between four and 11 .
3 Banks and building societies will repossess and resell over 100,000 homes this year , many of which will be bought for prices well below those of similar properties in the area .
4 Marketing chiefs ‘ have been looking at the mathematics and have worked out that volume counts , ’ says Cunningham , pointing to Unix 's one million a year run rate against the huge base of Windows users — increasing at one million a month — many of which will be targeted for NT .
5 Students are also involved on a programme of Independent Studies , many of which will be focused on issues of Language across the curriculum .
6 We will see that various strategies can be adopted , many of which will be discussed in more detail in the next two chapters .
7 Electronics designers will need to follow some rules of thumb , many of which will be familiar , such as mains filtration , adopting a sensible grounding policy , minimising ground impedance , minimising cable lengths , screening cables which are carrying high frequency , large magnitude signals or which contain sensitive signals , and grouping cables to separate the sensitive from the interfering .
8 Rather out of step with peers and colleagues ( many of whom will be divorced by now , anyway ) even though the age at which people get married is rising .
9 As well as being party to the future plans of its vendor clients — many of whom will be directly responsible for developing technology which will fuel these forces — Gartner has arrived at 1995 by using diffusion theory , which is a way of interpreting something , in this case open systems , by examining the natural movement of its components .
10 If that choice is not to the liking of those with voting power , many of whom will be ratepayers , they can make their views evident through the ballot box .
11 It also transfers the debt to those law-abiding charge payers who pay their charge , many of whom will be earning considerably less than hon. Members who chose to default .
12 This is particularly important because we are now moving into an era when many of Britain 's first wave of home-owners will be bequeathing homes to relations , many of whom will be home-owners themselves .
13 The two previous BT issues have proved popular with Northern Ireland investors , many of whom will be interested in the latest flotation which will be the biggest-ever privatisation issue .
14 How , for example , does one allow access to such material by genealogists , many of whom will be computer illiterate , unfamiliar with research strategies and only interested in tiny potions of vast data sets ?
15 Some people , many of whom will be displaced for months , are staying with friends .
16 Many of them will be new faces in the 270-seat parliament , the Majlis .
17 Equally important , how many of them will be strong enough to avoid being taken over by foreign companies in the long run ?
18 Many of them will be already known as are almost all texts .
19 As the conservative party prepares itself for a turbulent debate on Europe tomorrow , many of them will be turning to the work of a Cotswold publisher for guidance .
20 And many of them will be bringing with them their own silver dream machines — immortalised by Steven Spielberg 's ‘ Back to the Future ’ movie .
21 I do n't like to speak of uniqueness and if you think of what they do erm many of them will be concerned in the research side .
22 My constituents , er many of them will be concerned personally because they may have a relative in the army , now that we 've got ground troops out there , or they may have a relative who 's lived there or , or you know , God forbid , some of , some of them may have relatives who , who are hostages .
23 Instead this aspiring England squad , many of who will be hoping to fill the gaps left by the ‘ Dad 's Army ’ veterans as well as challenge for British Lions places next summer , will be cutting their teeth for such momentous challenges on lowly provincial opposition like Wairarapa-Bush and Wanganui .
24 I , and indeed a lot of other people , feel that this is going to happen sooner than you think , and that many of you will be happily using the train in the near future , especially for longer journeys .
25 Many of you will be familiar with his correlation between the age of a hedge and the number of species it contains .
26 Many of you will be aware of the launch of the Brecon Beacons National Park Society a few weeks ago and are perhaps wondering what effect this will have on the activities of CPRW and this branch in particular .
27 Janet is hoping that many of you will be able to help her with her new project .
28 Sir Hector , who will have his own form to fill in as a farmer in Dumfriesshire , says in the letter : ‘ I recognise that many of you will be fed up at the prospect of yet more literature and more form filling .
29 Now that 's a picture which er many of you will be very familiar of with .
30 Within 10 years many of us will be spending almost all our time zooming around inside the digital ocean and interacting with others .
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