Example sentences of "many [prep] [pron] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 There are plenty of theories , and plenty of assumptions , many of which may have at least a part of the truth .
2 Present-day stateless societies are not necessarily representative of all , or even most , of the earliest human communities , many of which may have had from the beginning some differentiation of political functions based upon age or gender ; and in any event enquiry into such questions remains largely speculative .
3 It caused damage to seven hundred homes , many of which will have to be demolished .
4 They are distributed along the shorelines in innumerable enclaves ( sensu Crisp , 1 978 ) * many of which must have been isolated for long enough ( since the sea level rose to its present height after the retreat of the last ice sheet ) for them to have evolved local forms to suit the particular selective influences of their habitats .
5 But , as she herself points out , the particular activities for which the Shropshire group were prosecuted exist on a continuum with a large number of more common acts , many of which must have been criminalised by the Rant decision ; if the breaking of skin suffices for a conviction of assault , even moderately rough sex becomes problematic .
6 ‘ Not just for us , but for lessees , many of whom might have found it difficult to get finance elsewhere . ’
7 This shortfall must have an impact on the student 's educational development , leaving their clinical education to already hard-pressed clinical practitioners , many of whom will have limited teaching experience or skills .
8 Although incomes had to be given , assessment of the personal property of ‘ spiritual men ’ was not stipulated , and since the clergy were customarily taxed more heavily than the laity a good many of them may have been less than forthcoming .
9 Their habitations would be huts , which they would have to build themselves , in desert land away from the few cities ; their diet would be healthy and sustaining but it would be monotonous , and they would have to do without delicacies which many of them might have become used to in the Diaspora .
10 The sheet metal workers , who cut sheet metal to the design of the drawings of the part of a car , earned 2s 6d ( 12p ) per hour , and did a lot of overtime at one and a quarter time , which means that many of them would have been earning £6 or £7 per week , and be well over the arbitrary divide of £4 suggested as a line for the divide between the working class and the middle class .
11 How many of them would have thought of the Turin option ?
12 Writing on the boys ' club movement in 1904 , W. J. Braithwaite thought that ‘ itis dangerous for the club and the boys that many of them should have tasted too much of freedom ’ .
13 Many of them must have ended up in a British soldier 's mess-tin .
14 Apart from the household staffs , many of them must have stayed on since it was the houses themselves that were dissolved , not their economic base , the estates .
15 Many of them must have died in infancy and childhood , but we have no data on deaths before 1951 .
16 As for the countryside , the main complaint of the wage labourer was of underemployment and at certain seasons of the agricultural calendar many of them must have wished they did not have time on their hands .
17 Unless today 's firms learn to manage for profit , not just for the revenue generated by the next deal , it is a fair bet that in fewer years than that many of them will have gone the same way .
18 However , far from benefiting from this measure , the people of the south-east of England will also suffer at the hands of Chancellor Norman Lamont through increased fuel bills which many of them will have difficulty in paying as , contrary to popular myth , the south-east does not consist entirely of rich people .
19 How many of you would have actually switched off by now ?
20 Many of you may have noticed that Good Housekeeping is now on sale at the checkout in Sainsbury 's , which has gone down brilliantly with shoppers , as I discovered when I visited my local London branch .
21 Congress , there 's a very familiar phrase which is often used in the English language , a phrase which many of you may have used yourselves from time to time .
22 As many of you will have seen the Macmillan Nurse Appeal has also been launched as has the Help The Aged Home Security Appeal , and appeals by Oxfam and Guide Dogs for the Blind , so it appears we have made the right decision to delay until January .
23 I shall take as my starting point a television programme I imagine many of you will have seen recently .
24 I 'm sure many of you will have younger sisters who are already Rainbows or are , perhaps , thinking of joining when they are old enough .
25 Erm if they , if you 've got a heavy mortgage , and I 'm not suggesting that many of you will have a heavy mortgage , it 's not a bad thing when you 're retiring to fix a rate , because we 've not been able to do that for a long time .
26 Many of you will have experienced what I call , the traditional use of computers , outlined in figure 1 .
27 I suppose that many of you will have heard about my motoring experience a few weeks ago as I was travelling from Winfrith to Harwell .
28 Many of you will have seen the recent press reports concerning the disappearance of a member of Winfrith staff .
29 In November , many of you will have received a mailing about the Napier University MasterCard .
30 As many of you will have noticed from your Q.T. day programme Beryl will not be teaching this year ; for some time she has taken a great interest in the Back Pain Association and has now become involved particularly at weekends in special classes for back-pain sufferers .
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