Example sentences of "years have be a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I think that the revolution in history which has taken place over the course of the last twenty-five years has been a revolution which has been fuelled by people 's curiosity to study things which previously had not been studied , rather than just to take some formal statement of what seemed to be important , which is what the chroniclers took , or some propaganda statement , which is what the Tudors took and what the seventeenth century historians took , or indeed to write very academic history , which is what professional historians have tended to do , over the course of the last erm forty or fifty years .
2 Russia 's most wretched political problem over the past two years has been a failure to separate the powers of president and parliament .
3 Taking over as she did at very short notice when our last Treasurer became ill , she has always managed to administer the Society 's finances in an extremely capable way despite the fact that the last six years has been a period of considerable change and economic difficulty .
4 Arnold Denney , of Trumpet Terrace , Cleator , who has worked on the production line for 42 years as either a machine knotter or twister and for a number of years has been a foreman .
5 One of the trends in military publishing over recent years has been a move away from the hardware itself towards its operational use and the personal experiences of the men in the front line .
6 One of the most interesting developments in dry gardening in recent years has been an increase in the use of gravel .
7 An exciting development in the women 's movement over the last few years has been an attempt by feminists to organise together around housing issues and to develop a feminist analysis of how the organisation of housing in Britain specifically affects women .
8 They entered into an agreement by correspondence , each company writing in substantially the same terms to the other that they would not , without the written consent of the other , at any time , employ any person who during the past five years had been an employee of the other .
9 However , my predecessor , Bishop John Bickersteth , who for many years had been an advocate for issues of conservation , quite rightly protested that the Archbishop was saying no more than the biblical tradition states !
10 The last four years have been a nightmare that would n't go away , no matter what I did .
11 Oh yes , of course it was , the last three years have been a recession , what else would you expect .
12 Colleagues , as the resolution says and as we all know , we 've all experienced it , the last fourteen years have been a catalogue of disaster after disaster for all sections of the society , and especially the disadvantaged , those the young , the elderly , the disabled and the unemployed , all been attacked .
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