Example sentences of "way up [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bruce Mackenzie was six feet four and that 's a long way up for a two-year-old .
2 I ran upstairs to see what I could , and there he was , torch and all , running down the garden and then dodging his way up to the cliff path , and fast , as if he knew exactly where he was going .
3 The full foliage of May did not burn , but the mould of dry , dead leaves and brushwood on the ground caught fiercely , and flared down upon them so fast that they were forced to turn and run , having no time to take the harder way up to the crest .
4 This steam sometimes blasts its way up to the surface through the lava , causing what is known as a phreatic explosion , so the advance of the lava is then anything but peaceful , and unwary spectators are sometimes injured by the explosions .
5 Such patterns appear to reflect the way in which the lithosphere fractures as magma forces its way up to the surface .
6 The solution was to strengthen the spire from within by inserting a single skin of new brickwork all the way up to the top , and bolting the brick and stone together with stainless steel pins that would be invisible from the ground .
7 In came Flt Lt Marshall , red faced and furious , having taken his plane all the way up to the top of the cloud and all the way down again .
8 ‘ That mad flood of a torrent runs beside the road all the way up to the top of the cordillera . ’
9 If however , there was no open way remaining , then the rising main must have been brought all the way up to the top of the shaft .
10 It 's a long way up to the road with a carry over the bridge to the nearest place you can park the car and trailer .
11 As Maisie and Mr Malik 's relative were clearing away the destruction ( the Huysan twins had been having a mashed-potato fight with school spoons ) , he made his way up to the headmaster 's study .
12 It started about 500 feet above the ground and could have continued all the way up to the stratosphere , for all any one of us , peering hopefully upwards , could tell .
13 The morning it was announced a vast audience arrived for Ramsey 's lecture and cheered him all the way up to the dais .
14 Lucy crawled out of bed around lunchtime , found her way up to the shower while Josie could be heard moving around in the kitchen , and could n't resist leaving aside her own hard soap and supermarket shampoo in order to freeload a few squirts and squeezes of the gels , mousses and lotions that stood on the tiled windowsill .
15 Inspired by the words of his immigrant father , who told him , ‘ You could be anything you want to be , if you wanted it bad enough and were willing to work for it , ’ Lee Iacocca worked his way up to the presidency of Ford Motor Company , from which he was abruptly fired by Henry Ford II , only to go on to rescue Chrysler from bankruptcy , thumb his nose at Ford in a best-selling autobiography , renovate the Statue of Liberty , and gain mention as a possible presidential candidate .
16 She made her way up to the hotel bedroom and was let in by one of the porters .
17 I made my way up to the lobby with those final two words of hers ringing around inside my head , and all sorts of other doctor phrases started to enter my mind — people calling me Doctor Streeter , popular songs with the word doctor in them — and then all of a sudden I started to cry .
18 We make our way up to the bar and find a double of our poison for our pains , courtesy of Mickey .
19 Waggle the joystick like mad to move the bird upwards , get off and work your way up to the ghost .
20 Cries could be heard from the stairs as the policemen tried to make their way up to the landing , the remaining boys making it as difficult as possible for them in the hope that their brother would get away .
21 On the way up to the col from Luz you come first to the small resort and spa of Barèges , one street wide and squeezed tightly in in true spa style between the mountains to the south and the river to the north .
22 Driving to Cairn Gorm is a bit of a cheat , since you drive all the way up to the car park at 640 metres , but then a sea-level start in the Cairngorms is a bit tricky unless you do n't mind parking the car in Aberdeen and walking in .
23 Our horses had more sense and refused to go further so we stabled them at a local inn where we satisfied our hunger on a dish of fish cooked over charcoal before making our way up to the castle .
24 And they called me , and I crawled out , and there was this huge bear between me and my mother , very tall , sitting up the way they do , as tall as … all the way up to the light fitting .
25 Later , she made her way up to the stage wings , driven by a sheer need to see him .
26 He taught for ten years before moving into industry and working his way up to the post of project manager for a major construction company .
27 ‘ She seemed to have sleep-walked her way up to the Monument . ’
28 So with Amyas 's long , damp fingers pressed against her eyes , Jennifer was led stumbling into the passage , and on the way up to the house Sir Gregory tried to think how he was going to pacify his wife , who had never been able to forgive him for his infidelity and who had always resented the presence of his bastard 's daughter under her roof when she came to hear Mass .
29 In a diagram : Verbs such as try evoke a movement towards the beginning of the infinitive event but do not reach it , whereas verbs like manage take one all the way up to the point of actual realization .
30 Place your right hand on your partner 's right shoulder and slide your hand firmly all the way up to the neck .
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