Example sentences of "way he [vb -s] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd choose somebody who Granta in fact publish : John Berger , not because he has Greene 's grace or narrative command , but in the way he confronts the world .
2 But the way he misspells the word in different ways again indicates a weak visual memory .
3 The person may then use psychological strategies such as a sequence of self-statements to change the way he perceives the stressor and ensure that thoughts and images are less anxiety provoking ( Jaremko , 1983 ) .
4 In this way he forces the reader to go through the same process of retrospective illumination that he himself has undergone .
5 ‘ I 've always admired the way Steve handles his playing on a lot of the old Stax ballads — the way he does those really simple , pretty fills , and the way he uses the tremolo on the amplifier — I 'm just a sucker for all that kind of stuff .
6 James 's partiality for elegant variation ( 69 ) is well illustrated in the passage , particularly in the way he varies the manner of referring to the three characters .
7 His defence of his ‘ diverness ’ is that this is the way he experiences the world , others treat him differently all the time ( especially the figure addressed in the sonnet ) and he responds in kind .
8 Geoffrey made a comment about select preacher , because you do n't particularly like the way he puts the message over .
9 Listen to the way he sings the phase ‘ Footloose And Fancy Free ’ , and the way he draws out that final ‘ eeeeee … ’
10 What alternative reflection of himself can the Left , for instance , offer Chas which is going to make any sense in terms of his own experience and the way he sees the world ?
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