Example sentences of "way [prep] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The consequences of this last point can be pernicious , actually encouraging a way of thinking whereby the aggressor in homophobic violence is somehow identified with his or her victim : both are homosexual , the one repressed , the other overt .
2 I should think it is working the way of bringing back the workhouse through having too much economy . ’
3 The park , unlikely though it might seem , was not a job , not a political ideology , not a way of filling in the weary hours until she was old enough to retire , not even something to spite her mother with once and for all while she accepted everything else from her .
4 It is also ‘ the best way of filling in the crossword ’ , he added .
5 Each player in these groups was engaged for his or her ability to perform one type of role , therefore the playing was predictable because there was a particular way of acting out the various situations .
6 A good way of breaking up the detailed explanation is to add a quotation or two in this section .
7 The Joan Collins syndrome is one way of summing up the present attempt to take ten to fifteen years off the way women look .
8 Tonks was incensed about the Vichy venture , as were the NZRFU folk at home , everyone was embarrassed that they had no way of knowing where the All Black party were , what was involved in the game , and where next the travelling group might surface .
9 And he also suggests that simply policing budgets will not solve the problem either , since the basic motivation is not undermined and , in the absence of market mechanisms , financial monitors have no way of knowing when the waste has actually been eliminated .
10 It is impossible to describe all the species that currently inhabit the planet given , for example , that species evolve and that there would be no obvious way of knowing when the table was complete .
11 There is no way of knowing accurately the population served by the hospitals in inner London , and patients seek treatment in inner London for various reasons .
12 Since the coalition broke up after the defeat of Germany there is no way of knowing how the policy outlined in the full employment promise of May 1944 might have been implemented without the profound changes in the role of the State in peacetime economic life introduced by the post-war Labour government .
13 The ‘ fan out ’ of possible paths from highly rated , but incorrect word hypotheses is considerable , and we have no easy way of telling when the correct hypothesis has been reached .
14 It will also give you the opportunity to get used to hearing the sound of your own voice and to work out a way of expressing clearly the points you would like to put across .
15 Thus , as Neugebauer has succinctly remarked , our present way of dividing up the day into hours , minutes , and seconds ‘ is the result of a Hellenistic modification of an Egyptian practice combined with Babylonian numerical procedures ’ .
16 There is no way of dividing up the organisation 's work that will simultaneously satisfy all the organisation 's objectives and all its members .
17 He regarded it as a fairly accurate way of weeding out the pretenders from the cream of Europe 's opulent elite .
18 Often it is another state-owned body which is used to provide the mechanism for making the payment ; this , as we have seen , provides a way of dressing up the deal as being commercially ‘ normal ‘ .
19 Call it a rites-of-passage novel , a coming-of-age novel or a coming-out novel , it is usually a writer 's way of exploring how the early years can irritate to life the otherwise dormant sensitivities that produce the itch to write fiction .
20 Things were always crystal clear to Beamish ; he was always taking a view or spying out the land or finding some way of pointing out the difference between his world — a universe of sharp corners and exact distances — and the booming , foggy place in which Henry found himself every time he took off his glasses .
21 Rothstein argues that patron-client relationships are well suited to the peripheral capitalist development that has taken place in Latin America because they are a way of paring down the number of recipients of industrial gains , when these gains are few in number .
22 We could go on to ask why they are n't common , which is another way of asking why the process of meiosis is normally fair , as scrupulously impartial as tossing a good penny .
23 Not for the first time , she wishes she had her sister 's confidence with men , her way of saying just the right thing in the right way to make them laugh , or listen , or love .
24 A Tewkesbury firm has developed a way of engraving both the customer 's photo and signature onto the card .
25 The establishment of a locally-based subsidiary company will commonly be regarded by a foreign or multinational holding company as a sensible and effective way of carrying out the business of the latter company ; but the English courts will see it differently .
26 Not neurotic , that , just a way of parcelling out the time , and doing everything I need to .
27 Well just colleagues about the Burnsall dispute erm er clearly and I 'm just anticipating the views of Congress that since we adopted a particularly way of making up the er Dispute Fund , I think we should certainly adopt exactly the same practice in relation
28 The government , which controls around 85 per cent of the country , has turned to logging as a way of making up the shortfall in revenue resulting from the end of Soviet aid , and its loss of the Palinn gem mines in western Cambodia to Khmer Rouge forces .
29 It looks very much a way of screening out The Great Wonderful British Public and not having to endure any of their tiresome phone witterings .
30 It also serves , appropriately enough , as a way of closing down the aporias which have opened up in Sartre 's text .
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