Example sentences of "way [prep] [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Apollo was the first ballet to display a fresh way of looking at class-room technique for the communication of an ancient Greek legend .
2 Another way of looking at tranquillizer use is to think of the following analogy : you are driving along the motorway and suddenly your car oil warning light comes on .
3 However , a more practical way of looking at D dorian would be to compare it to D major .
4 But ‘ Shakespeare 's Sister ’ ( which took its title from a Virginia Woolf essay on what would have happened if the bard had been female , a different way of looking at women although one has to search hard to find any reference to this in the actual song ) was hardly the band 's most shining masterwork , merely a jumble or rock and rockabilly plummeting through 129 seconds which fail to motivate the memory cells .
5 Bar charts are a useful way of looking at sets of figures .
6 What I have tried to do in this chapter is to suggest a way of looking at towns as though they were a special kind of landscape — as indeed they are — to get behind the guide-books and the individual buildings to the secret history of these places : to draw attention to what I think are some of the significant bits of urban landscape that point the way into this secret history .
7 It may well be that such an approach is incommensurate with the difficulties presented by international disagreements and internal conflicts but it does suggest a way of looking at law which enhances its potential as an instrument for peace .
8 The result showed that the curvature idea was not just a different way of looking at gravity from the old one , but a better way .
9 This way of looking at Kant will help to defuse Clark 's criticism of Ritchie .
10 Winch 's criticism of this way of looking at morality , as we have shown , is that it separates the person who acts from the world in which he acts , and a man has to be shown that it is worthwhile for him to act morally .
11 Given the prevalence of the commodity record form , this distinction will remain , and it provides a more fruitful way of looking at present contradictions than diagnostic analyses of recorded music into ‘ oral ’ and ‘ literate ’ elements .
12 That was certainly one way of looking at things .
13 The more we soak up their way of looking at things , their method of understanding , the more we shall get .
14 It seems to me that this way of looking at things is the only one which allows us to understand the validity of the second law , and the heat death of each individual world , without invoking a unidimensional change of the entire universe from a definite initial state to a final state . ’
15 But whatever , it 's got to be different , a totally fresh way of looking at things .
16 The one reduces theology to the Christian 's ‘ way of looking at things ’ , makes evangelism just an open-ended dialogue and articulates faith in a way which previous generations would have seen as a denial of the faith , in need of an answer itself .
17 Members believe that anyone outside their particular way of looking at things is not a Christian at all — and this applies to groups such as Quakers .
18 Lord Robert Cecil detected the same change when he deplored the tariff reformers ' " whole way of looking at things .
19 But for the moment we shall go along with this way of looking at things .
20 language … gives structure to experience , and helps to determine our way of looking at things , so that it requires some intellectual effort to see them in any other way than that which our language suggests to us .
21 It is directly concerned with individuals , with their minds and with their own way of looking at things .
22 Of course , this way of looking at things reflects my own bias as an only partially reconstructed neurochemist ; in practice the neurophysiology may well lead — indeed , in the important cases of Aplysia and long-term potentiation discussed next , has led — the biochemistry and cell biology , pointing the way towards cells whose electrical properties and therefore their biochemical properties change during memory formation .
23 Er one is like the traditional school of though and the other one is like the feminist way of looking at things .
24 It struck her as an unnervingly fatalistic way of looking at things .
25 Most important , this way of looking at things teaches us that if a producer controls the production of a given commodity he is a monopolist — if he is such — not by virtue of any entrepreneurial role , but as a result of a resource monopoly .
26 She had an odd , idiosyncratic way of looking at things — he felt she had some standards which he was n't familiar with , against which she matched the things they said .
27 So the divorce of sex from reproduction which is erm a very common and even fashionable view in the later twentieth century and of course is one very much facilitated by modern birth control technology and things like that this , this divorce of sex and reproduction is in a way you could say a characteristically male way of looking at things if the male 's er contribution to offspring does n't go much further than the initial fertilization .
28 So RE needs to attend to encouraging pupils consciously to get beyond just looking for information or entertainment and see that there is a quite different way of looking at things .
29 There must be another way of looking at things .
30 Almost certainly the child will think of " heaven " as a funny idea which people believe in for some nonsensical reason which does not fit in with a scientific way of looking at life .
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