Example sentences of "how it [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He also points out , in passing , that various questions of the sort which have cropped up in earlier chapters of this book , such as whether matter can think , and how it produces mental sensations , ‘ are entirely banished from philosophy ’ by the adoption of immaterialism .
2 Y'know , try and place a historical context to the work and see how it influenced other works .
3 ‘ I could see what he was thinking , so I started talking about love , how it means different things to different people , and that 's when he said it . ’
4 To find out how it affects Scottish farmers one need go no further than my constituency .
5 Henry went on to point out the evils of sweated labour and the pay make-up system , how it fostered a disinclination to work and how it encouraged landless men to marry just so that their income would be augmented ‘ in proportion to the number of their children ’ , and how it led to degradation of the character : ‘ The weak , the indolent , and worthless worker is now secure of the maximum payment settled by the standards you have determined from parish funds , and the industrious , skilful and honest workman can expect no more … the pernicious and demoralising practice of paying wages out of rates … ought to be suppressed and prohibited . ’
6 It sums up how it carries large loads .
7 It is time the Labour Party explained how it sees non-sectarian politics developing in Northern Ireland .
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