Example sentences of "one [modal v] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Little has been written on the subject since then , but one may infer from the few remarks that are made on it that psychologists are no longer so impressed by ‘ the insuperable logical difficulty ’ James believed there to be in the way of saying that the difference between sensations may be one of ‘ place pure and simple ’ .
2 One may guess at the Spaniard 's dismay when Moctezuma passed him some lumps of greenstone enjoining him to hand them to none other than his prince .
3 Of course one may draw on the past as one will .
4 Although one may talk of the ‘ total or partial destruction ’ of an object such as a building or a railway yard which may be a military objective , it is quite different , and unacceptable , to speak of the destruction of an area of land .
5 These and a hundred other scenes one may witness at the departure of an important train such as this .
6 Furthermore one may remark on the fact that that which is considered ‘ feminine ’ , which the male also now takes on , corresponds simply to what have traditionally been women 's tasks ( nurturing and caring ) .
7 Indeed , the one may feed into the other .
8 First , because identification with one 's community is morally worthwhile , and acceptance of the authority of the state an appropriate way ( though not the only way ) to express it , one may jump to the conclusion that one has an obligation to accept the authority of the state , or even that it has authority independently of such acceptance .
9 One may point to the ever-present pressures of interest groups and lobbies , international forces beyond the control of a national government , the advice of permanent civil servants inherited commitments in policy and public expenditure , and the flow of so much routine in policy .
10 Apart from the dollars spent , one may wonder at the concealed costs of taking so many consultants away from their patients and research workers from their laboratories and clinics .
11 Or if one prefers psychology , the more individual , personal approach , one may muse on the notions of B. F. Skinner , Hans Eysenck , Arthur Jensen , William Shockley , and J. B. Watson .
12 It seems very likely , indeed , that an extension of democratic and decentralized planning would lead to an even larger role for the social sciences in the formation of public policies , if one may judge from the expansion and the greater utilization of them which has already occurred in the short period during which the present welfare states have developed .
13 Making concessions to Lenin 's Indian and ‘ Asia-First ’ opponent , M N Roy , the Commission had , throughout the theses , replaced ‘ bourgeois-democratic ’ by ‘ revolutionary ’ and the result was , as one may see in the sixth thesis , that the revolutionary-liberation movement in backward countries or among backward nationalities was invited to determine what forms this alliance should take .
14 Perhaps every one should go to the ground and not go in .
15 ‘ It 's enough to make one feel one should go into the West End to a Heavy Metal disco or something . ’
16 When Madame Denis asked him why he went to such lengths , he answered , ‘ Esther , one should do like the good God ; from time to time one should go and live among His own . ’
17 This approach is typified by Mackay , who has argued that because injury reduction was more realistic in the short term than accident prevention , one should think of the front end of a car ‘ primarily as a structure with which to hit a pedestrian ’ .
18 At the earliest convenience , one should register with the port authority office , located in the low building beside the marina .
19 Mr Pannick said those who had drafted the relevant EC directive in 1989 had ‘ in their wisdom thought there should be freedom of reception throughout the EC and one should rely upon the state from which the signal emanates to exercise appropriate controls ’ .
20 The following had been written : ‘ I entrust to my sons that if one should die before the other leaving no children he should make over his share to his surviving brother ; but if both die childless I wish the whole estate to pass to my granddaughter Claudia . ’
21 That one should live to the utmost of one 's ability to be big — to be noble , and true and honourable and beautiful .
22 This , however , it will be evident from the foregoing , is something on which no one should count in the future .
23 Voltaire 's work is , arguably , offensive but one should err on the side of allowing it to be available .
24 Porter argues that one should look at the areas of the value chain which contain the largest proportion of costs and then consider what cost-drivers of the ten he identifies cause those costs .
25 Erm logic suggests surely that that erm one should concentrate on the adequacy of the phasing er the existing phasing mechanism , and the words within policy H one and the guidance that the county is giving to the to the district authorities , in how they should phase the release of the committed land .
26 Examples of these unwritten rules are that parents should play with their children , or that one should respond in the appropriate manner to a ‘ good morning ’ greeting .
27 It is fair to say , particularly when one is considering overseas relations , that there was some form of national sentiment , but at the same time one should guard against the assumption that this was a dominant force in determining men 's attitudes on all occasions .
28 With the infill piece in place , turning the vee berths in the forecabin into a double , one must dress in the lobby .
29 GUIL : Yes , one must think of the future .
30 To understand the tremendous realism of horror and gloom connected with this doctrine of everlasting birth and death , and re-birth , one must go to the burning valley of the Ganges …
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