Example sentences of "such [prep] [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 But a new profession was to encourage it ; new technical practices such as zoning would foster planning method ; and outstandingly George Pepler , now Chief Town Planning Inspector at the Ministry of Health proved a tireless advocate and bridge with local authorities ( Cherry , 1981 ) .
2 In a laboratory context , the isolation of the respondent during a T 1 — T 2 period of a few hours should remove this effect ; even changes such as sunlight may need to be eliminated .
3 Innovations such as vaccination could spread over Western Europe and North America within a decade ; later the acceptance of the germ theory of disease spread even faster .
4 Neo-classical models of the labour market contend that equilibriating mechanisms such as migration should work to eradicate spatial variations in unemployment ( Gleave and Palmer , 1980 ) , but the continuation of wide regional variations in rates of joblessness through the 1980s suggests that these mechanisms are not working very efficiently ( Gleave and Sellens , 1984 ; Green et al. , 1986 ) .
5 When all the limestone is dissolved out of the soil , more acid-loving species such as heather can become established .
6 But even an issue such as camping can become rather central if it is of importance to one partner .
7 Service charges for industry , such as telephone will increase at a greater rate than the private consumer .
8 There were , moreover , good reasons why a rapidly-growing industry such as electricity should raise a large proportion of its capital on the market rather than financing itself through higher earnings , as some of the critics suggested .
9 Although few of them ( only 20 ) were officially designated as " overcrowded " , bringing up large families in such circumstances was not easy , and activities such as reading would have been particularly difficult .
10 Changing the content of a problem from a stereotypically ‘ female ’ setting such as nutrition to a ‘ male ’ setting such as building can reverse the rank order of the success rates of groups of boys and girls .
11 Even matters such as immobility may have emotional rather than medical origins .
12 Nothing has been said so far about precise content , for example , which world religions should be included , or whether the focus should be mainly on Christianity , how far non-religious stances such as Humanism should feature in RE , or what to do about the occult , and so forth .
13 The contrast may therefore serve to illustrate one major merit of Brooks 's criticism and of the New Criticism in general : their use of ideas such as irony may seem exaggerated and confusing , but it makes the important point that the meaning of poetry , though possibly analyzable , can not be expressed properly in the form of a conventional prosaic statement .
14 Traditional building materials such as mud will have a role to play only when the national objective is to ensure that everyone has better housing now .
15 It also matters currently , since art is to be included as a foundation subject in the national curriculum and the mastery of basic skills such as drawing will have a higher profile .
16 I try to maintain pure watercolour technique here , as the introduction of a white body colour such as gouache can lead to all sorts of awful problems .
17 Injury/illness : Even a temporary illness such as influenza can cause a ‘ thick head ’ and the inability to think clearly .
18 Chronic illnesses such as epilepsy can cause adult sufferers to become dependent upon family members , which can lead to confusion about individual family roles : children may have to take on adult responsibilities , denying their right to be a child , and this can result in major adjustment and behavioural problems as they grow older .
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