Example sentences of "should not [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 All these arguments , from people involved in different ways in the study of language , have weight , and should not be ridiculed or dismissed out of hand , as has become rather fashionable in some language teaching circles .
2 Hambros Jersey contended that the jurisdiction conferred by this rule can only properly be exercised by analogy to R.S.C. , Ord. 11 , so that leave should not be granted unless the case falls within one of the paragraphs of Ord. 11 , r. 1(1) .
3 Even though the offence is a relatively minor one , the words remain ‘ strong ’ ones , and the criminal sanction should not be invoked unless its use is really called for .
4 Since professional development is a dynamic process , the training which some South Asian teachers have received in the subcontinent should not be condemned as totally inadequate as is currently the case in official circles .
5 It should not be felt that selling overseas is such a specialist and complex area that the uninitiated must for ever be excluded , or that membership can only be purchased at the expense of having very costly specialist services .
6 Like every church , like every Christian organisation , there were things being said and done in the Christian family in Rome that should not be said and done in a fellowship of Christ 's people .
7 As a general principle it should not be imagined that all economic , social , and above all political repercussions were of a vertical central — local nature or vice versa .
8 It should not be imagined that the tiny Party élite at either of these provincial levels could maintain a tight hold .
9 On the other hand , it should not be imagined that private industries are immune from such considerations .
10 What 's important is that Britain should adopt a positive role in the negotiations , very difficult negotiations , that lie ahead , and that Britain should not be isolated and that Britain should , in fact , be able to find a way forward with its partners .
11 The value of cash benefits to the poor should not be minimised or dismissed , but it does not mean that relative deprivation is removed .
12 They were opposed by Anthony Cary , Lord Falkland , a Tory , who argued that the throne should not be filled until Parliament had decided what powers to give the Crown , so that " we may secure ourselves from Arbitrary Government " , although in this he was supported by radical Whigs such as Wildman .
13 Early detection regimens should not be applied unless benefit is shown in terms of reduced mortality from cancer in randomised prospective trials .
14 Graphic techniques are especially appropriate for analysis of open ended distributions whereas the moment methods should not be applied unless all grain sizes present lie within the defined grain size limits .
15 He appears to have maintained in the Court of Session that the provisions of that Act should not be applied because it had been passed without his having had notice as required by Standing Orders …
16 This endorsement should not be applied where the policyholder has fitted the locks without us insisting on them .
17 At one place he described the statement ‘ physics has higher verisimilitude than astrology ’ as plausible and asks why it should not be accepted as long as no serious alternative is offered .
18 This should not be accepted as adequate medical management in the 1990s .
19 An unarmed cleric must not be harmed ; but no more should women , children or old men , and even students travelling to their place of study should not be molested or put to ransom .
20 The implication for teaching is that texts or situations should not be devised where only the next level of ‘ difficulty ’ is provided , since these are not necessary .
21 added that lowering of embalming standards should not be tolerated and that trade embalming was not good enough .
22 Birkbeck 's study of garbage pickers in Cali , Colombia , suggests that they should not be viewed as vagrants left behind by economic development but as workers who are part of the industrial system ( Birkbeck 1979 ) .
23 Fowler argues that the analyst should attend particularly to the social function of linguistic structures in literature ; texts should not be viewed as self-contained systems but as process , ‘ the communicative interaction of implied speakers and thus of consciousness and of communities ’ ( p. 94 ) .
24 This competence is a huge resource which should not be ignored but made explicit .
25 Yet , while accepting that the working class was wedded to the Labour Party it should not be ignored that such support was also nurtured by a much improved Labour organization , despite Howard 's contrary view .
26 The chromosomal locations of markers that have shown no association at the population level should not be ignored since the lack of this association does not rule out linkage .
27 It must also be said that a plain boiled ham presented on or off the bone is a delight to the jaded palate and should not be ignored because it remains undistinguished by any special cure .
28 By section 16 of the Adoption Act 1976 , an adoption order should not be made unless the parties agree or the court was satisfied that making of the adoption order should be dispensed with on , inter alia , the ground that the parent was withholding agreement unreasonably .
29 Generally , interim payments should not be made and every attempt should be made to settle the claim by one payment .
30 It is indeed desirable as a general rule that an arrest should not be made until the case is complete .
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