Example sentences of "should be [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) Registered Land A caution should be lodged at HM Land Registry ( Fee £40 , Land Registration Fees Order 1992 ( SI No 2089 ) , Sched 3 , Pt II ) .
2 Similarly , where the transfer has been pursuant to a court order , a certified copy of the order or marked abstract of the relevent portion should be lodged at HM Land Registry with the application for transfer .
3 One Staffordshire tandoori has even sported a parliamentary logo on its menus since local MP Michael Fabricant told the Commons the curries there were so good that they should be served at Westminster .
4 It is wrong to say that real ale should be served at room temperature : too warm and the beer tastes tacky and rancid ; too cold and the subtle palate of the beer is masked by the chill .
5 For intensive Windows use you should be looking at 8Mb — so the more RAM slots the better .
6 Well there is some argument in that , but , you know they should be looking at alternatives somebody to drive you out the sites where they , the whole time they would take you there and bring you back .
7 So when it comes to making provision for the future , you should be looking at ways of making your money work harder .
8 We should be looking at ways of being more selective about treatment , and I think one of the reasons for wishing to study miocenia gravis in such detail is to be able to get so inside the mechanism of production of the disease that we can in fact simply turn off the miocenia disease process and leave the rest of the immune system just as it was .
9 Also it should be lit at night and have traffic cones placed in an oblique line on the approach to it .
10 One of the Confederation of British Industry 's ( CBI ) ‘ Lifetime Targets ’ for education and training is that , by 1996 , 50 per cent of the work-force should be aiming at NVQs or units towards them .
11 More recently it was decided that the BAA Head Office in London should be relocated at Gatwick Airport .
12 If approaching from Kirkby Stephen , as is usual , a halt should be made at Stenkrith Bridge for a look over the parapets at the River Eden below , thrashing a passage through a deep limestone gorge .
13 In either case , a prolonged stop should be made at Steinam-Rhein , for this is something special .
14 Is it something that should be taught at home ?
15 It was decided that the company should be capitalized at £6.5 million , to be sold in shares of £1 each .
16 A third principle , firmly established by the Crawford Committee , was that the public monopoly should be run at arm 's length from the government .
17 Fabrics and … should be covered at night so that … does not settle on them .
18 In the short run output should be priced at SMC , which is the social opportunity cost of the resources employed .
19 Programmes should be arranged at times to suit those who are likely to attend and should be organised and tutored by the Continuing Education Department .
20 As far as works of art are concerned , four , perhaps five member states including the Presidency and the UK , believe that this tax should be collected at origin rather than at destination .
21 Fast-moving items should be stored at ground level , slow-moving stock higher up .
22 Fast … stock should be stored at ground level .
23 With its classical temples , great lawns , magnificent tree-lined terraces , woodland walks and hidden vistas , it should be explored at leisure .
24 this should be handled at partner/senior manager level , having regard to the views of the client partner if the target is a client .
25 Given the varying levels of computer expertise in Colleges at that time , and the current status of the proposed new systems , it was difficult to make specific proposals about how the associated responsibilities should be handled at College level .
26 It was fitting that the century should be reached at Ganton , where McEvoy won the first of his two Amateur Championships .
27 And such ‘ modularization ’ should be undertaken at school level by the teachers themselves , with advice and support , rather than being provided by outside ‘ curriculum development ’ agencies .
28 ‘ Quite frankly , whoever invented suspenders should be shot at dawn !
29 On 18 March 1937 at an extraordinary general meeting the capital of the company was increased to £6,000 and it was provided that 25 per cent preference shares should be created at £200 each .
30 As his ministers he must take men of true enlightenment ; great nobles with an interest in maintaining a feudal past and its practices should be kept at arms length .
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