Example sentences of "should not [verb] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 RAPE VICTIMS Newspapers should not identify victims of rape , or publish material likely to contribute to such identification .
2 This specifies that packaging should not carry pictures of smiling babies , no free samples should be distributed and there should be no advertising directly to mothers .
3 On Monday , the Paris Appeal Court ruled that M Touvier , intelligence chief of the pro-Nazi Lyons Milice during the 1939–45 War , and now aged 77 , should not face charges of crimes against humanity in connection with the murder of Jews and resistance workers .
4 Supervisors are concerned that banks should balance their assets and liabilities in each currency in such a way that their ‘ exposure ’ ( to risk of loss on the foreign exchange market ) should not exceed 10% of their capital base .
5 But there is no reason why we should not tell stories of English boys who leave the village and make good in the city — why rural drama should not be found and filmed among the mountains of Wales and moors of Yorkshire .
6 However , there may be cases where the landlord requires that the tenant should not acquire security of tenure .
7 As far as we are concerned , events before the big bang can have no consequences , so they should not form part of a scientific model of the universe .
8 Comments identifying individual teachers should not form part of a general report .
9 But C.C. 's abnormal difficulty in judging vertical symmetry is caused by his neglect for the left of figures , which should not disrupt judgements of symmetry about the horizontal axis .
10 The Institute supports the ASB 's development of a statement of principles , but maintains that the statement should not anticipate points of debate that will appear in future standards .
11 The analysis is logically correct and often convenient for purposes of exposition , but it is only an analysis and should not eliminate consideration of the tort of negligence as a whole .
12 Although most DNA is in the B form , whose structure was originally determined by Watson and Crick , there is no reason why the cell should not make use of other forms as well , and indeed Alex Rich ( MIT ) described a protein binding with high affinity to the left-handed helix of Z-DNA that he first described .
13 Freud did this , even though his explicit view of science led him to think the scientist should not make judgements of this kind .
14 Mr Hattersley said on LWT 's Walden programme , that Labour should not lose sight of its egalitarian ideals .
15 While it is right , and of some urgency , to look at the global environment and to be involved in discussions regarding pollution of our oceans , the greenhouse effect , the destruction of rain forests in South America and so on , we should not lose sight of what is primarily the concern of the individual : that is , the local environment .
16 A great deal of information is contained in the numerous books already cited in this chapter as worthy of forming part of a personal library , and the local researcher should not lose sight of the early comparative data obtainable from the published Domesday folios , and the later in such things as the hearth tax assessments , all of which volumes are well worth places on private shelves .
17 It may cause damage to a part of the person but we should not lose sight of the whole person if we wish to understand what is going on .
18 In our enthusiasm for flying we should not lose sight of the fact that it is a voluntary occupation and therefore subject to the normal law of supply and demand .
19 We move on now to aspects of teaching of more particular concern to the language teacher , but as we do so we should not lose sight of the more general educational context .
20 Whilst we can not change the world , we should not lose sight of the fact that we can change someone 's world .
21 When deciding where the company should be going for the future it is extremely important that one should not lose sight of the need for synergy since adventuring outside one 's own field contains high added risk which the shareholders will very quickly appreciate .
22 Nevertheless , we should not lose sight of the fact that even such relatively immature communicators in terms of message evaluation — as the seven-year-olds are able to progress with a substantial degree of success given the opportunity to use their negotiating powers .
23 However , we should not lose sight of the fact that there is some light at the end of the runnel .
24 I have given some of the prosaic reasons why the new clauses should not become part of the Bill —
25 I have set out some of the reasons why the new clauses should not become part of the Bill and now I shall say something about general intention .
26 So you think that as a general rule , museums should not sell works of art ?
27 The crossing had a vital role to play in the economic regeneration of the region , it argued in a statement , and controversy over the Oxleas link should not delay construction of the bridge itself .
28 It is a most important matter that a councillor should not take advantage of his position and use it for his own personal gain .
29 Is there any reason why a party to litigation in England , either as plaintiff or defendant , should not take advantage of any procedures which might be open to him to obtain discovery or other access to relevant material in some such foreign jurisdiction ?
30 They should not take account of side-effects if the sole effect is via the prices of products or factors .
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