Example sentences of "should be [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 In a complicated matter like an aircraft accident it can be very difficult indeed for a lawyer , let alone a layman , to identify the party against whom a claim should be registered in the absence of a full accident report from a competent and disinterested organisation such as AIB or the NTSB .
2 Every member of the warehouse staff should be trained in the use of various portable fire fighting appliances installed within the premises .
3 Existing staff should be trained in the provision of training to others .
4 All offshore activities should be regulated in the spirit of the EC Directive on Environmental Impact Assessment and full EIAs should be required on all significant activities and developments .
5 The area of dispute , which promises to occupy all of a meeting of EC finance ministers in Luxembourg today , is over the Commission 's proposal that the current system of exporting goods free of VAT be abandoned and that after 1992 the tax should be levied in the country of origin before export .
6 In all cases any comments should be noted in the space provided before the form is photocopied .
7 We can not in justice omit to mention the establishing of the Publick Botanick Garden at Chelsea by the Worshipful Company of the Apothecaries of London , not only for the instruction of such as should be employed in the compounding of medicines , in the particular simples therein used ( which alone is a very laudable design ) but also for introducing still a greater variety of trees and plants , which although their virtues or uses are not at present known , yet may hereinafter be found of excellent use for many purposes in life .
8 Santomaso 's links with Peggy Guggenheim date back to 1948 when the artist suggested to Rodolfo Pallucchini , General Secretary of the Venice Biennale , that Peggy Guggenheim 's collection should be exhibited in the Greek Pavilion .
9 ICL Plc has applied to register a subsidiary in Slovenia , a formality that should be completed in the next few weeks , and despite renewed conflict in Croatia , the company says it is still ‘ business as usual ’ .
10 When a single entry is to be processed the identifier should be completed in the Start column of the form .
11 Yet since 1987 , the level of child sexual abuse diagnosed in Cleveland has been shown to be no higher than elsewhere in the country , and an increasing number of people locally take the view that she should be treated in the same way as myself — allowed to return to work as a paediatrician in Cleveland , but restricted from working in child abuse for the time being .
12 It is possible for teachers to keep a personal notebook which does not form part of the record and is not open to subject access , but if information is intended to be used officially and passed on to the next teacher it should be treated in the same way as the formal record .
13 If the agency then acts differently it may be held to have acted unfairly and illegally , at least if it has not given the citizen a chance to make representations as to why he or she should be treated in the way expected .
14 One then asks ( stage two ) what this implies for how women should be treated in the church in our day ?
15 It should be treated in the same way as pinch pleat tape .
16 These headings need a minimum fullness of twice the track length and calculations should be treated in the same way as for pinch pleat heading , but allowing for more pleats ( ‘ tubes ’ ) of a smaller size and closer spacing .
17 New draft guidance on the procedures for the outgoing and successor firm when a client decides to change advisers , issued by the Chartered Accountants ' Joint Ethics Committee , puts greater emphasis on the fact that any change in a continuing appointment , such as tax or accounting work , should be treated in the same way as a change of auditors .
18 For this purpose , we propose that all the covenants in a lease should be treated in the same way , whether or not at present they touch and concern the land .
19 Something , however , must lie behind the feeling in the literary sources that politicians like Kleon were different , and perhaps the difference should be sought in the new and larger audiences assembled on the Pnyx as a result of the evacuation of Attica in 431 .
20 As a result , much of the work of contemporary assemblies should be viewed in the context of institutions struggling to adapt to massively changed social and world conditions and to impose some check upon the burgeoning executive bureaucracies .
21 The mainstream Palestinian news agency Wafa broadcast a statement on Feb. 6 which said that the attack should be viewed in the context of the daily killing or wounding of hundreds of Palestinians by Israeli officials .
22 The fire should be lit in the dining room , " the butler said stiffly .
23 Practices should be re-examined in the light of consumer awareness .
24 Longer term aims may not require to be re-stated after just one year 's experience — numerous changes of direction will only serve to confuse , but they should be re-examined in the light of progress in attaining short term targets and the development plan should be altered accordingly .
25 So the question whether a Bill of Rights should be adopted in the United Kingdom is relevant to the issue of citizenship .
26 On the other hand , caution should be adopted in the interests of third parties , and there should be a reluctance to assume that the treaty has been amended to alter the objects and purposes of an organisation .
27 It requested him " to direct the Board of Education to set up an inquiry into the present state of the education of the deaf or to direct that a combined system of oral and manual instruction should be adopted in the schools for the deaf " .
28 See RSC Ord 41 , notes 41/1 and 4½-8 and Practice Direction ( Evidence : Documents ) ( 1983 ) 1 WLR 922 — whilst the latter is a High Court Direction , all its requirements on affidavits , exhibits , etc should be adopted in the county court , for example , individual letters should not be made separate exhibits ; and see also CCR Ord 20 , r 10 .
29 Stocks should be sub-classified in the balance sheet or notes to the financial statements to indicate the amounts held in each of the main categories of balance sheet formats of 4 Sch .
30 Enquiries should be made in the first instance to the Academic Registrar .
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