Example sentences of "should [vb infin] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you have any doubt about these new requirements , you should consult the Building Control Officer for your area at the local council offices .
2 More powerful elaborations of the simple ideas presented here are also available in computer algorithms ; readers should consult the Minitab manual to see what is done there .
3 During phosphorylation , the active-centre torsion-angle strain should facilitate the phosphotransfer reaction by lowering the activation-energy barrier .
4 ‘ Mervyn had suggested we should make the Dalek transport machines out of cardboard tubes — sprayed silver and fitted over a person 's legs .
5 The LIFESPAN Manager should make the storage directory available for LIFESPAN use .
6 Which spouse should make the Gift Aid payment ?
7 If you do not pay income tax but your spouse does , then your spouse should make the Gift Aid payment .
8 Similarly , if your spouse pays income tax at the higher rate and you pay tax at only the ( lower ) basic rate , then your spouse should make the Gift Aid payment in order to obtain the higher rate relief .
9 Keeping the rudder still and pulling right back on the stick sharply as the stall occurs , should make the wing drop .
10 This should make the model start to move in the direction which it is pointing or stop the rotation .
11 In The Radio 4 Debate the motion was that the Lords are an anachronism and we should unplug the oxygen tent as soon as possible .
12 A new economics is possible , maintains Robertson , which ‘ should be systematically enabling for people ; it should be systematically conserving of resources and environment ; it should treat the world economy as a multi-level one-world system , with autonomous but interdependent parts at all levels . ’
13 The Policy Advisory Committee strongly advised that 13 should remain the age limit on the ground that girls of 12 are at a vulnerable stage of their lives , in particular because they are usually in their first year at a senior school and there is a risk that they will imitate the behaviour , including the sexual ways , of older girls .
14 If a problem is suspected with any programs in the system the lexicographer should invoke the Problem Management Procedures .
15 The tubing should cover the screwdriver shaft , except for 1/4in of the screw point .
16 We owe them that and I think that the House should approve the guillotine motion .
17 It is right for 1992 that the House should approve the draft order .
18 It was unclear to them why St Petersburg should promise the Turks assistance in return for the closure of the Dardanelles , when closing the straits between the Aegean and the Black Sea was a longstanding Turkish principle .
19 Macintosh users should substitute the Option key for the Control key .
20 I am pleased to tell the House that Cambridgeshire health authority and the Ministry of Defence have agreed in principle that the health authority should buy the RAF hospital at Ely .
21 To perform these correctly you should depress the tremolo arm before picking the string and then , upon picking , release it .
22 Para 41 states : ‘ Where the investment in an associated company is held by a subsidiary in which there are minority interests , the minority interests shown in the consolidated financial statements of the group should include the minority share of the subsidiary 's interest in the results and net assets of the associated company . ’
23 The labelling should include the Text Table Number , as displayed on the panel and the days Date .
24 The labelling should include the Text Table Number , as displayed on the panel , the days Date and the pre-registered Tape Label Number .
25 The labelling should include the Text Table Number , as displayed on the panel and the days Date .
26 Looped around a belt notch , and resting against the hip , this should include the ignition key for a Ford Sierra Cosworth .
27 We believe that the joint working party 's recommendations should include the routine use of such a device for people caring for patients who are known to be positive for HIV or hepatitis B virus and for high risk patients .
28 Show the full correct postal address which should include the post town and postcode .
29 He suggested that the two SBS men should attack the harbour wireless station instead while his men would concentrate on the actual port installations .
30 Treatment is similar to that discussed for calves but in selecting a drug one should consider the withdrawal period of milk for human consumption .
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