Example sentences of "should [be] given the same " in BNC.

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1 The second position was that ( as in the Welsh school cited above ) simply changing the name and use of buildings altered very little : a common curriculum was what mattered and all pupils should be given the same opportunities of learning the same subjects .
2 Doreen , a nineteen-year-old mother of three young children , felt strongly about this after her experiences , and correctly points out that it was her own choice to have her children , and she should be given the same respect as any older mother :
3 John Popham , a parliamentary agent representing 13 local residents who have petitioned against the bill , believes that ‘ residents of Newport should be given the same degree of protection as the government has decided is necessary for property owners in Cardiff ’ .
4 Is not it reasonable that the House of Commons should be given the same information as is made available to the press in briefings ?
5 That is , in an effort to ensure that any variations in replies respondents provide are not artifacts of variations in the way in which the questions were asked , each respondent should be given the same questions in the same serial order .
6 American actors in England should be given the same rights we 're given here .
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