Example sentences of "should [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The literature on lateral eye movements has been reviewed by Ehrlichman and Weinberger ( 1978 ) and the reader should consult their paper for a thorough critique .
2 If you are uncertain about your physical condition ; if you are overweight , suffer from cardiovascular or respiratory disease , or have a medically diagnosed problem , then you should consult your doctor before starting to walk briskly .
3 It is entirely typical of Pound that he should want his criticism to be immediately useful — to , as he says , ‘ the neophyte ’ .
4 Ideally , the animal should make its response by manipulating the visual stimulus itself and should receive its reward from very close by .
5 BRISTOL should make its mark in 1990 .
6 Having passed the green flashing light at the end of the main breakwater and also that of the inner Leon y Castillo mole , both of which are left to starboard , arriving yachts should make their way to the small boat harbour .
7 They are uncertain as to whether they should make their involvement in SSE conditional upon the possibility of promotion , uncertain about whether they need more information and debate about SSE , uncertain about whether SSE should be made compulsory and whether it is preferable to inspection .
8 Chelsea managing director Colin Hutchinson confirmed : ‘ We have received his international clearance and he should make his debut for the reserves . ’
9 The 23-year-old Scot has signed too late to play at Derby today but should make his debut in City colours against Coventry reserves next week .
10 ‘ They told us we should make our protest through the counties , ’ he said .
11 You should make your application at least 24 hours in advance of travel .
12 The point , however , we wish to make here is that , from whatever source the teachers are drawn , their work with adult students should be regarded as university work ; the Professor of English should make it part of his duties to keep in close touch with them , periodical meetings of the tutors and the Professor , for the interchange of ideas and the discussion of problems should be held — in short that the extension and tutorial classes should be regarded as an integral part of the English Department .
13 A collection of such material should enhance our knowledge of the factors which contributed to change in law and society .
14 For example:UNDERSTANDING THE IBM ENVIRONMENT introduces the latest technical information about newly available IBM equipment , how it fits in with the existing range and how this should affect your view of IBM , as a customer .
15 ‘ And ? ’ said John , surprised that the usually articulate Comfort should phrase her approval in such pedestrian words .
16 The fundamental issue at stake here was not the merits or otherwise of the League , but whether the peace movement should lend its support to any reconstruction of security arrangements short of the total renunciation of the use of force .
17 To pin down the problem you should treat your machine like an experiment .
18 No one who contemplates the brutal war that has racked Croatia over the last few months can do so without a deep feeling of sorrow and shame : sorrow that such devastation and misery should disfigure our continent in 1991 , and shame that we have been unable to do anything to halt the carnage and destruction .
19 As for the second , we have undermined its apparent logic by approaching from the opposite direction ; what is self-evident is that a person should prefer his reaction in fullest awareness , what would require proof is a claim that the awareness should be from all spatial and temporal but only one personal viewpoint .
20 You should build your plan around A4 paper — the standard size .
21 It is far more important that the owners of the company , the shareholders , be given the choice of whether they want to invest in , let us say , a bank , an agricultural business , a food business , or a retail chain , than that we should build our business in different fields , unless we can demonstrate a high degree of mutual reinforcement from such an exercise .
22 As such , it is natural that they should regard their place of work as an office , in which their duties are carried out , but to which they have no other loyalty .
23 He should eat his fill of watermelon ( ‘ the best of all fruits ’ ) and ‘ rice boiled with spices should be preferred by him to all other eatables . ’
24 In the case of such a property not being regarded as a private dwellinghouse , a bank/organisation should notify its interest to an insurer irrespective of the sum insured .
25 ‘ Not eating Becky 's food I can understand , Goldie , but really — I should think my kitchen at least is kosher enough for you ! ’
26 Pope has commented that it is hard not to detect in Ælfric 's statement in Wyrdwriteras that we sceolon secan æt Gode sylfum urne ræd mid anrædum mode ( we should seek our counsel from God himself with unanimous spirit ) " an allusion to the unræd so unhappily associated with Ethelred " .
27 He stresses the need for the chief executive to be informed , but argues that he should focus his attention on just three or four major objectives .
28 Once all responses have been received , we should assist our client in drawing up a shortlist of those targets our client would most wish to meet , by combining the relative enthusiasm of each response with the proactive search rankings .
29 ‘ That should suit your taste for the melodramatic . ’
30 But the wide expanses of Aintree should suit his type of jumping and if he produces the form he showed at Leopardstown then he 'll take all the beating .
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