Example sentences of "may have [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Reception staff at hotels based in cities and large towns may have to persuade unwanted persons loitering in the reception lounge to move on and leave the hotel ; the right to refuse service to persons unfit to be received is often the authority relied on when taking such actions .
2 If your dog persists in misbehaving when the doorbell is rung , then you may have to take alternative action .
3 These trips are expensive and women may have to take young children hundreds of miles .
4 But some of the alleged failures may turn out to be actual failures , and the Institute may have to take disciplinary action against the firms in question .
5 Third and finally , spillovers may be most extensive in high R&D sectors simply because firms may have to do extensive R&D on their own in order to benefit from the knowledge which spills over from rivals ' efforts .
6 Potential employers , for example , have to weigh up the possibilities of employing mentally handicapped people ; schoolteachers and heads may have to accommodate handicapped children in normal schools ; members of a jury may have to pass verdict on a mildly handicapped person .
7 You may have to give accurate instructions about how to assemble do-it-yourself furniture .
8 In weak party systems politicians may have to give considerable weight to popular opinion and pressures from vested interest .
9 Already they have found that growers who want to invest in water collection and recirculation systems may have to spend considerable sums on facilities to clean up the water .
10 Note that if these DCs reference more than one module , you may have to create new DCs to perform the work in different packages .
11 IBM says that at present , these users may have to use separate terminals to do their work .
12 If it is not in your library you may have to use inter-library loan , if this service is available to you .
13 You may have to use live Guppies and Goldfish before weaning onto dead foods .
14 It is recognised however that PC(a) requires pupils to identify a variety of viewpoints on the issue , and therefore they may have to include differing views .
15 You may have to organize different kinds of help in the home , if the patient has been doing tasks and housework .
16 Pearce has been told he may have to sell top players such as David Leworthy , the league 's leading scorer , or Dean Coney in a bid to balance the books .
17 When choosing this item bear in mind that you may have to walk long distances , so check the padding on the harnesses and straps for comfort .
18 Some fairways are so narrow , we may have to walk single file , ’ joked one young American visitor on the eve of this 22 nation classic .
19 To achieve this they may have to adopt conservative technology — that is , technology that has only a fraction of the communications power of optical fibres — and to pander to the needs of a mass audience .
20 Such products may have to contain specific properties ( attributes ) that match exactly the demand pattern of a specific group of customers .
21 The staff heads may have to develop new relationships among themselves and with the business leaders ; new rewards must be negotiated ; and many questions must be answered .
22 Those in the States may have to travel long distances for tournaments but it 's still in their own country . ’
23 Those in the States may have to travel long distances for tournaments but it 's still in their own country . ’
24 Doctors and nurses may have to make crucial decisions over newly born children , and hoteliers , retailers and café proprietors are in a position to make decisions which will affect the freedom of mentally handicapped people to live their lives .
25 For example , you may have to make special provision for Christmas week or holidays .
26 Likewise , you may have to pay other people to do some of the jobs , such as the decorating , that you previously managed yourself .
27 You must follow these to the letter or you may have to pay private charges .
28 If the client takes more of the risks , the contractor 's tender prices may be lower , but the clients may have to pay extra sums as the contract proceeds and the risk becomes quantifiable in the light of claims and variations because of events such as unforeseen ground conditions .
29 This may be a matter for personal negotiation between yourself , your flatmates , friends , family and so on , and you may have to forego other pursuits for a while in order to establish a good study habit .
30 Having support of close friends , family and workmates can be really important , but you may have to consider negative reactions .
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