Example sentences of "may have on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The next sections of the paper examine a number of the key proposals in relation to the impact they may have on the assessment of efficiency .
2 This must include proper support of staff who work mainly on campaigns , and also rational negotiation of the impact campaigns may have on the priorities and workloads of other sectors and groups .
3 Any representations which you may have on the proposal should be sent to me within the next 10 days .
4 the question of what balance can be attained in a book is a familiar problem to literary critics , who are divided in their views into at least two camps , one favouring attention being paid mostly to the text itself , while the other prefers to take other questions into account , including the effect the writer 's life may have on the text .
5 Now , pedicures is really a manicure of the toes , but what we do with a pedicure , we actually rub away the hard skin that you may have on the bottom of your feet , on the side of your big toe , that 's usually where it builds up , or on the ball of the foot .
6 4.2.3 [ bat are the financial implications for the dementia sufferer and the carer ? ( see also section on Personal Finance ) Any action plan arrived at should take into account not only the housing situation but also what effect the plan may have on the dementia sufferer .
7 Above all , care plans must recognize the influence that such symptoms may have on the ability of a sufferer to live a ‘ normal ’ life .
8 But they are concerned about the psychological effect the experience may have on the girls .
9 For the sake of completeness and of the bearing it may have on the method by which Step 1 is achieved , a list is given here of the products which it is hoped to manufacture by the manipulation of the output from Step 1 .
10 It is quite common in talking about teaching to focus on what the teacher does and to forget the effect this may have on the learner .
11 This judgment , which demonstrates the ‘ chilling effect ’ which the ability to sue for libel may have on the right to criticise a public authority , was cited with approval by Brennan J. delivering the opinion of the United States Supreme Court in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan ( 1964 ) 376 U.S. 254 , 277 .
12 Lastly , the researcher has to consider the effects that publication of the book may have on the community portrayed in it , and particularly on any individuals who may feature .
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