Example sentences of "may not have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This decision may or may not have been correct , but it was understandable .
2 ‘ Bearing in mind that the essence of the proceedings is whether or not this lady had to give up these premises , it seems to me that , although he may not have been correct in thinking that the relief sought in the counterclaim was a matter for judicial review , the issue could without doubt be better dealt with by separate proceedings .
3 This may imply that in cremating areas the vessels were made a certain size for the specific function of containing the ashes , whereas in areas practising inhumation there may not have been such specialised production , the vessels being drawn from the domestic stock .
4 For the control practices , with their low rate of cross boundary referrals , this may not have been such a concern .
5 There was a great yearning among lay people to understand in terms of their own vernacular this inner experience of the faith , which , through the institutional influence of the Church , formally governed the structure of their lives , although their education may not have been such as to enable them to cope with the official language of the Church or highly intellectual theological exposition .
6 The reply may or may not have been arrogant , but , more significantly , it carried within itself the fatality to come .
7 However , post-war , the rise in divorce rates and remarriage , peaking in the 1970s , means that we shall in future meet more old people whose relationships may not have been lifelong .
8 The editorial was apparently written on the basis of inadequate information and some of the data , as outlined in this letter , may not have been available to Peter O Behan and B A G Haniffah .
9 Secondly , while I heard what he said about the fact that , in the case of Mr. Thorpe , the process in north Devon was not exhausted , the theoretical position remains that the treatment may not have been available in north Devon , but was made available in London by virtue of the fact that Mr. Thorpe had two residences and was registered in two places .
10 Under the old law of larceny he may not have been guilty of attempted larceny .
11 There is also a record of a Spanish ship carrying cloth out of Bristol in the 1460s , and it may not have been untypical , although undoubtedly English vessels were engaged in the Iberian trade .
12 His talents may not have been great but his importance lies in his using them all to express in painting his romantic vision .
13 My actions may or may not have been right and , as I said in court , I wish with hindsight that I had thought more about the late take-up .
14 Their offer was , however , refused and Gloucester may not have been sorry .
15 Their offer was , however , refused and Gloucester may not have been sorry .
16 They may not have been famous , but their contributions have been vital and never forgotten .
17 I believe the former more probable , but the matter is in doubt and practice may not have been consistent .
18 An anonymous memorandum sent to Rome just after his death accused him of storing up great wealth and even of having profited from the neglect of the episcopal estates , accusations which can not be substantiated but which may not have been complete fabrications .
19 So the sample may not have been complete er and once the sample was taken , one could have lost some of the material .
20 Feminists have dared to suggest that the wisdom of many generations may not have been disinterested , or even very wise ; that human experience is not identical with male experience ; and that our ( whose ? ) ‘ fundamental perceptions ’ keep women in servitude .
21 In northwest Amazonia ( Venezuela ) , there is evidence for fire disturbance over the last 6000 years , with charcoal deposits under terrafirme forests as well as caatingas , and some of the fires may not have been anthropogenic .
22 Archie may not have been fastidious , but in his own way he was cultivated .
23 no , the brochure would not necessary have been out of date , it depended when the first occupation was , if er the first occupation was in July or August it may not have been necessary to update the brochure on Sept on the first of September
24 The Scientific Committee had in previous years expressed concern about the Dall 's porpoise harpoon fishery , fearing that even the much smaller annual catch may not have been sustainable , since Japanese scientists had calculated a replacement rate of only about 5000 porpoises each year .
25 Ramapithecus may not have been carnivorous , and the association between hunting , travel , and bipedalism probably emerged only with the true hominids .
26 He may not have been much of a fancy cook , but Kunio had a very keen brain and a highly intelligent outlook on life .
27 Ben may not have been much of a theatre-goer , but he would no doubt have been fascinated by one unexpected visit in the June of 1801 :
28 However , this may not have been much of a choice .
29 Lear 's death may not have been devastating , but I was sorry to see him go .
30 Intelligence is essential , although successful School or University examinations may not have been possible through damage to shore term memory ( upon which facility most examinations are based throughout the phase of active addiction .
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