Example sentences of "may be see in the " in BNC.

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1 Plants from the Physic Garden were copied by the gifted collage artist , Mrs Delaney , and fourteen were faithfully reproduced in her delicate paper mosaic work , some of which may be seen in the British Museum today .
2 Humboldt Penguin chicks are reared regularly at the park , and in the breeding season some may be seen in the specially designed rearing unit alongside their enclosure .
3 Hawkshead Church has nearly 200 documents confirming this , one of which may be seen in the Church .
4 It was he who , in 1344 , the year in which Prague became an archbishopric , laid the foundation stone on the site of a Romanesque basilica , the remains of which may be seen in the crypt .
5 His bust may be seen in the gardens of Kampa Island .
6 Part of the staggered building campaign may be seen in the Mannerist w door set into the very Baroque triumphal arch which comprises the remainder of the W front .
7 A fine example of his interior decoration may be seen in the rooms he decorated for Václav Michalovic in his house , now the Postal Museum ( see p. 157 ) .
8 A typical weaver 's cottage from the district may be seen in the Ulster Folk Museum .
9 The earliest inhabitants of the area some 4000 years ago , however , left traces of their presence in the form of tools like stone axes , many of which may be seen in the Armagh County Museum .
10 Other forms of self-mutilation may be seen in the same patient .
11 A clear example of this may be seen in the learner driver who grips the steering wheel so tightly with one hand that he has great difficulty in moving the wheel with the other .
12 Similar stages in reconstruction may be seen in the examination of the remodelling of the junction between the Altländerstrasse and the main road bounding the trial area to the north .
13 From left : climbing out from Guernsey with a visiting training sailing ship below ; Trislander over Alderney , whose airport may be seen in the background ; the island of Herm on a hazy autumn day , with Sark in the background ; Trislander 's single-pilot-panel — very functional , with mixture knobs oddly set on top
14 Other splendid examples of this first style may be seen in the wedding picture of Rosamund Sargent , and the portrait of Flora Macdonald , both of 1749 .
15 The final climax of the old regime may be seen in the twenty-year reign of Pius XII ( 1939–58 ) , a pope at the time most profoundly revered .
16 A similar pattern , though etched more deeply , may be seen in the case of Bruno .
17 A truer measure of today 's sexual climate may be seen in the law .
18 Kerr deplores the invasion of privacy in small houses , where visitors rub shoulders with the tradespeople , where the sounds of the scullery can be heard in the dining-room , where the kitchen can hear what goes on in the drawing-room , and the dresser or cooking-range may be seen in the kitchen .
19 Apart from the traditional urban-industrial Assisted Areas , the higher rates of unemployment may be seen in the South West , West and North Wales , Cumbria , and the Scottish Highlands and Islands ( figure 3.8 ) .
20 Small farms may be seen in the valleys , and , in patches at least , the crofters of Raasay would appear to have good , green land .
21 German ‘ pure ’ contrapuntal keyboard music was at first always for organ , not harpsichord , and stylistically modelled on the Venetians , as may be seen in the two fantasies and two canzoni francese in Paix 's book and the various organ works of Hassler and his successor at Augsburg , Christian Erbach ( c. 1570–1635 ) .
22 ( 6–20 ) , may be seen in the present case to have the sign of
23 This observation is relevant to the interpretation of much larger numbers of layers observed in the ocean , and may be seen in the context of the very general tendency , discussed in Section 23.4 , for layering to arise in double diffusive systems .
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