Example sentences of "may be [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 A translation may be undertaken for a variety of purposes .
2 It may be noted for the sake of completeness that respect for the patient 's right to self-determination is not without its own limitation .
3 The fundamental questions may be shelved for the moment , but they are always there ; it is a matter of foreground and background rather than distinct modes of operation .
4 Moreover , memory may be impaired for a variety of reasons , lack of initial attention is not the only possible explanation .
5 This position has been modified , however , by the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 , under which a Bill may be presented for the Royal Assent provided it has been passed by the House of Commons and other procedural requirements complied with , although it has not been passed by the House of Lords .
6 Some fromage frais and quark have a longer shelf life and may be kept for a week or ten days after purchase .
7 However , the key to the avoidance of uncontrolled complexity in any engineering domain may be to go for a complete and as rigorous as possible a description of the problem in hand before any detailed calculations are made on the precise properties of the postulated design .
8 There is no limit on the number of volume sets which may be defined for a particular installation , as the number produced depends on the number of charge codes for which modules are to be hard copied and the number of modules to be hard copied for those charge codes .
9 Again , although skewness may be computed for the central segment of the distribution , for most purposes broader spreads are used .
10 Interest rates may be fixed for the period of the loan or , as is often the case , expressed as a percentage of the standard base rate ( such as the London inter-bank overnight rate ) .
11 Under one proposal , householders may be charged for the removal of non-recyclable rubbish , while separated consignments of glass , paper , and cans would be collected free .
12 It is quoted in full : 6 Private residence exception : separated couples Where a married couple separate or are divorced and one partner ceases to occupy the matrimonial home and subsequently as part of a financial settlement disposes of the home , or an interest in it , to the other partner the home may be regarded for the purposes of Sections [ 222 to 224 of TCGA 1992 ] 101 to 103 as continuing to be a residence of the transferring partner from the date his or her occupation ceases until the date of transfer , provided that it has throughout this period been the other partner 's only or main residence .
13 Or he may be looking for a particular foodplant , or flower for nectar , searching for a special smell or a particular electromagnetic emission .
14 They may have no religious beliefs , or may be looking for a much simpler ceremony .
15 BROOKE SHIELDS , who is not being offered many good roles since outgrowing her curvaceous teens , may be looking for a new career as a film critic .
16 Those who give the impression that they are fishing for information ; they may be looking for a recommendation for somebody else who may be suitable to approach .
17 And here for example you might have the recreational mind , healthy mind and body the existential , the person who as much as anything may be looking for an experience based on meditation , er religion , this sort of thing .
18 The subtle , instinctive mind pattern of an insect may be looking for the particular infrared , pheromone emission which signifies the presence of his lady-love .
19 Here , anything that threatens the superego tends to be destructive ; and we can readily see that the externalization of conflict , although defensive for the ego , may be damaging for the culture because the effect of the externalization is to make the culture the locus of the conflict .
20 A claim may be received for a piece of jewellery or a valuable , which is not specified under the policy , but the value of the item exceeds the policy limit for unspecified items .
21 For example , the demand for one product may be affected for the demand for another product , e.g. butter and margarine .
22 The salesperson 's voice may be competing for the buyers ' attention with the flashing lights and noise of the equipment .
23 In the U.S.A. you may be asked for a credit card imprint as security when checking into your hotel if you intend to charge meals , drinks , etc. to your rooms .
24 You may be asked for a replacement photograph if the one you supply is of poor quality .
25 Many reasons may be adduced for the Polish uprising of November 1830 : the Russians ' two-year hunt for " Polish Decembrists " ; the tsar 's reluctance to be separately crowned as King of Poland ; the refusal of St Petersburg to attach to the " Congress Kingdom " of Poland the provinces to the east which had once been part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ; the emergence of Polish literary figures who " understood romanticism as embodying a patriotic call to restore the old republic within its old frontiers " ; the decline of the Polish economy ; the inspiration of the events of 1830 in France and Belgium ; and the arrest , just before the rising , of a number of militant soldiers and students .
26 Did you say to her , I 'm going out to re I 'm going out and I may be gone for a long time .
27 It 's , you know , it 's like what 's his Captain Oates was it , going out into the tent in the Antarctic or something , you know it 's sort of I may be gone for a while , you know , in the in the , into the wilderness and never to return so that in , in the British structure er politicians are , their loyalty is central rather than local because their political futures are determined centrally rather than locally .
28 A teaching plan may be devised for the patient and the information needed may be given in short sessions so that the patient has time to absorb the information and ask questions .
29 At least six significant antecedents may be discerned for the study of geomorphological processes and the first was undoubtedly the work of Grove Karl Gilbert .
30 The decline in British hedgerows may be slowing for the first time this century , thanks to schemes to subsidise hedge planting .
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