Example sentences of "may be [v-ing] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Women who find that homosexual men make wonderful friends , may be reflecting the fact that the freedom from preoccupation with physical sex leaves the relationship wide open to a full range of shared experiences which should be enjoyed freely between heterosexual men and women too .
2 The proper scientist sees reality through a glass darkly — and believeth all facts , heareth all facts and seeth all facts , but still has to reckon with the fact that he is part of the experiment and may be seeing the reflection of his own opinions .
3 If your household has two cars and you get rid of one of them you may be helping the environment , but are certainly worse off .
4 It may be prolonging the snail 's life .
5 A taller order may be prolonging the life of the XJS until the X100 takes over .
6 Mr Clinton may be staking the future of his presidency on his plan , details of which have been leaked over the past week .
7 In Beyond the Pleasure Principle the position is that the pleasure principle may be serving the death instincts , which would imply that the Nirvana principle is basic to mental functioning alongside the reality principle .
8 Outgoing president Paul Scherer suggests that potential candidates may be exaggerating the pressures on the president : there are in fact no more than six Council meetings a year , and an additional monthly afternoon meeting for officers .
9 And again , ‘ people are more conscious of the widening circle of violence , involving more and more the decent , public-spirited people of the province and not just riotous bullies who may be creating the violence themselves . ’
10 Limited by United Nations rules , the ship 's crew of 280 officers and men have been able to simply monitor merchant shipping which may be breaking the UN arms embargo to Serbia .
11 it sounds as though you may be over-soaking the paper prior to stretching .
12 However , if an agent is enjoying the wine with a Bryan Adams , he or she may be drinking the vinegar with a manager 's smaller act who makes much more work than the bigger act , with absolutely no income .
13 This means that while you are out for the evening , anyone who may be watching the house will be unsure as to whether you are at home or not , because various lights will go on and off at different times .
14 Brancazio suggests that sensors in the inner ear may be providing the information that sends a fielder to the right spot , not doing it well to begin with , but improving with experience .
15 The influx of new citizens from Russia may be exacerbating the friction in the settlements being established in the Israeli-administered territories won from the country 's Arab neighbours in the various attacks on the country since 1948 , and it represents an exodus of skills that Russia can ill afford to lose , but it is doing nothing but good for the vibrant information technology sector of the Israeli economy .
16 It is feared that the walrus may be replacing the elephant as a source of black market ivory , since the trade in elephant tusks comes under tighter international control .
17 ‘ I may be leaving the show . ’
18 The problem is the indication given by the Attorney-General that if this House does so , your Lordships may be infringing the privileges of the House of Commons .
19 You may be initiating the correspondence .
20 ‘ The Independent claims it has lost just 2pc , which not only undermines their submission to the OFT , but also indicates we may be expanding the market and attracting a number of lapsed broadsheet readers back to the fold . ’
21 Or the steward may be implying the impossibility of escaping detection by his wise and powerful master .
22 If not , then perhaps the models of racism which are implicitly or explicitly present in antiracist policies and practices may be inhibiting the development of more positive and effective strategies ?
23 We are well aware that in the United States fears have frequently been expressed that lenders may be evading the Truth in Lending law by making insurance virtually compulsory without actually making it mandatory using such forceful persuasion that borrowers hardly realise they have the option of not getting it .
24 For example , if you suddenly feel unwell after eating , either cut out the food you suspect for several weeks before trying it again , or if you are confused about which food or drink may be causing the problem , go back onto the Stage I diet for a week or so .
25 Take a careful look at your fish to see if there are any external parasites , such as flukes , which may be causing the fish to rub themselves constantly .
26 For de Gaulle , apparently , the sooner the better and , although this may be straining the comparison , on the analogy of Badoglio 's Italy , the French in Vietnam might at least have been allowed to work their passage towards the status of a fully fledged ally rather than endure the uncomfortable ambiguities of a compromised position .
27 In terms of economic logic , a traditional enterprise may be fulfilling the needs of the local consumers through efficient use of domestic inputs , while in terms of political ( transnational ) logic the traditional enterprise is perceived as quite inefficient because of its lack of international competitiveness .
28 They say the culprits may be using the proceeds to buy drugs .
29 Software AG may be using the HD-DOMS technology of HyperDesk Corp as the vehicle to achieve OMG compatibility — the German company is expected to announce next month that it will provide interoperability between the Entire broker and the HD-DOMS object broker next month — though Westborough , Massachusetts-based , company would not comment .
30 Police investigating a series of ramraid attacks say the culprits may be using the crime to finance their drug habits .
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